Question about my air cooled hood.. help plez!


Active Member
ok so i have a xxxl 1000 watt hps air cooled hood and my question is, if i pull air from outside thru the hood, will moisture go thru it and fuck up tha bulb if its a rainy day or a misty night? if so how could i prevent this from happening? thanks so much! smoke sumthnbongsmilie


Active Member
Im wondering the same thing. Is it ok to cool a 1000w with outside air that could get potentially get down to freezing temps in mid winter?


New Member
As long as its gradual change. And there's not drops of water aren't physically hitting it (thus drastically changing the surface temp and breaking the bulb. But if u start pulling outside air during the hottest part of the day and keep it running u should not have a problem.... But when ur talkin freezing temps I just flat out don't reccommend that for ANY device fans or anything. Freezing temps are very hard on electronics but as for pulling air on a humid day no ur fine so long as actual drops of water aren't getting in or condesing the venting ur fine.


New Member
Please take note of whether or not ur ballast is a cold start or not... If mine goes below sixty (the ballast not the bulb) it won't fire till it warms itself up so bear temps in mind when placing ur ballast. U don't want it hot cause it will kill the life span of ur ballast but having it too cold can render it useless.