Pure Delta 9 THC drops


Active Member
I love this shot. The unit was under a measured pressure internally at ¾ of one micron and temp nominal at 140C. There is effectively zero pressure within the glass. The bubbles form because after the first harvest from the cold finger I do not wipe the residual THC off of it - I just put it back onto the device and pull deep vacuum again. This pulls out tiny bubbles then the liquid THC forms such cool drops on them.

Fresh out of the unit those clear drops on the bubbles send me into orbit after I vape them. VERY potent stuff lolz. This is the second run through the unit. One pass through a chromatography column (DCVC) and one final run in this unit and I can use it as a lab standard in my spectrophotometer. I needed a hobby and this seemed like more fun than a train set...