Portland - help...


I basically in need of some advice. I don't know if it is because doctors are aware of the medical program in Oregon, but I can not get a script for any pain medication. I had the left side of my skull rebuilt from something... Long story and not the point. I usually have a doctor in Michigan that proscribed 1600 mg of vicodin a day, here no one will write the script. I hate being constipated and can't function well on this program. Neither can I afford the new increase in the state fee. is there any clinic(s) that are respectful, that don't have issues of doing everything but writing these scripts so that I can get my card and be done with this.

Any advice would be so much appreciated...
This is to find a doctor / place where they will give me the script so that I can go to another doctor to review what he wrote.

I was thinking of zoom care, but I would rather have advise as to where to go; money reasons and all.


Well-Known Member
I think you will have a hard time finding a doc that will fill out your papers for a card. I know mine told me that there is a policy in place not too. He did however put in my paperwork that he thinks it would help, but would NOT fill out the paperwork.


Active Member
There are a bunch of MMC's around PDX. Places like Kaiser, Legacy, Providence or Zoom Care won't help you at all. Just go to one of the med clinics, bring all your medical records and they will take care of you without making you feel like a criminal...because you aren't.

I used the MMCS Clinic on Sandy. They were lovely.