

And two figures came upon him.
Stunned and excited, he stared at them as they stared back.
Not wanting to break the trance for fear of what might happen next, he glared on, peering into the depths of their souls.......
Only to find that this is what the figures lacked.
Suddenly realizing this, the man immediately knew what their business was.
Frightened now, he began to panic.
Realizing what was going through the man's mind, the figures advanced closer.
The man stepped back, full of fear and anxiety and tripped.
He fell backwards as his whole life played through his mind.
All that he had neglected, everyone he wronged came into view.
As if time had stopped, he thought.....Was it all worth it, especially now?
When he finally completed his fall, he lay on his back. Unable to move.
The two figures huddled around him.
They peered into the depths of his soul, which was the reason they came.
Only to find that this is what the man lacked.