PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!! Novice grower here


Well-Known Member
ditch the tin foil (white paint works better), get more wattage, move the lights closer to that leggy little girl and line all the other pots up under the bulb rather than clumping them and wasting the last few inches of your tubes.... and get drip pans for those green pots... i think i use the same ones and they just pour water out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
white paint, damn near as reflective as mylar, much easier and cheaper... clean up is a breeze too :D


Well-Known Member
i have never used long floro tubes... i cant figure out how to make the plants fit under enough of the light at any given time... so, i can not answer definitively... however, i think CFL's are a better choice because you can surround the plants with bulbs and with enough wattage get some good results.

take a look at your pictures and you will see the ends of the lights are shining over nothing... with floro's, the light needs to be a max of 2 inches away from the plant or it is wasted... make sense why i like CFL's over tubes?


Active Member
well i hope my avatar is better, looks better than my ugly face as for the light situation im goin to deffinetly check into the regular CFLs and my little girl has already been moved closer. thanx for the info guys i really appreciate it. keep it comming. ill take all i can get. peace out and stay high.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal about tinfoil is? I have used it many times and NEVER burned or hurt my plants in any way. That being said...flat white is probably a better bet because of all the reasons previously listed and if you can go with white...DO! also, I have and do use fluro tubes and the one you have now is fine, but it won't be enough light unless each individual plant is DIRECTLY underneath the bulbs. otherwise you will find yourself living in stretch city...which is a shity place to live!!! But your grow is looking pretty good bro. keep up the good work. Oh...and keep an eye on your soil and how dry it my experience (it may be fine for you) those hemp pots you have...tend to dry out the soil pretty quickly so just keep an eye out.
Also...I hope Im not sounding like a said you needed any advise you could get, so I just thought I'd throw my two-cents in.:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
I use tubes :) They are working well so far. I have cfls also but they grew up on tubes alone. Im now in my 1st week flowering. Check out my gallery. I started with 4 tubes and now have 10. T5's are better i hear but i'm using what i have. I kept them close and raised them once, sometimes twice a day. My plants are nice and bush too :)


Active Member
k im goin to look into getting that tin foil changed over to some white paint mabey i also had some seedlings come up last night which is awsome. and i take all the advise to head not to heart keep it comming peace and stay high


Well-Known Member
tin foil works at light reflection like pulling out works as birth control... poorly. it is only marginally better than nothing at all.

that is what the big deal with foil is :)

under floro's i doubt seriously that burning the plants is possible with it.