Perry vs Paul


Well-Known Member
i just read more into this and yeah, i'm kinda pissed.

paul is a septuagenarian, and generally very gentlemanly and respectful. to invade his physical space, grab him, point at him, and knock him out from his podium is a sign of a low class scumbag (which we already knew about perry).

if ron paul does anything this election cycle, he should knock perry out and drag him through the mud. which, i must say, the campaign ad he ran last night does very well.



Well-Known Member
I can't stand bullies ...and I might disagree with Ron Paul's idea, but he still does not deserved to be grabbed and treated like that...if that was my grandfather I would have to see about Perry


New Member
Never thought this would happen but I have just pressed like on a londonfrog and unclebuck post on the same page