

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if my rant sounds arrogant, however I am just wondering if "peace" in yourself, and peace within the world is at all possible. I mean it seems like back in the 60's people were starting to get it right, I mean I dont know who all knows anything about woodstock but 3 DAYS MAN!! No guns, no worldly valued items, only nature, music, and the people around you..There was no violence, it was at peace, if they could make it 3 days, why cant we begin to unite and make it an eternity? What kind of world is it too live in when your scared to smile at someone, or joke with them because you may get killed, raped, or whatever. You get busted by the police for petty amounts of marijuana. In all truths if marijuana helped 500,000 people be completely peaceful for 3 days ( not saying it was all that there was too do with it but it helped) then why cant we just apply what there ideas were to these days we live now. I dont know who all has seen woodstock three days of peace and music, but if you havent I suggest you do..its an amazing movie, anyways Im going to go toke for like 15 minutes, would love to hear peoples responses if you think it is possible for the world to be peaceful once more, I mean it never has been completely peaceful, but perhaps we could try? I think alot of idead "Hippies" had in the 60s about love and peace, were definantly on the right track. Ill be back to reply please to express your views. Thanks for reading the long post:)


Well-Known Member
I mean peace within yourself is usually in most cases much easier to attain then peace throughout the world, but still..definantly would like to know how that could come about>.<


Active Member
if i wasnt so fucked up, i would totally give you props just for typing that much. but other then that, i have no idea what ur saying



New Member
I get what you are saying but unfortunately I don't know whether it is an idea that is obtainable or not.

To have peace within oneself is certainly obtainable but with all the money that war creates I doubt it.

If there was ONE single thing about humanity that I totally DON'T understand is the use of violence.

I can't even get into this conversation. :cry:
I mean peace within yourself is usually in most cases much easier to attain then peace throughout the world, but still..definantly would like to know how that could come about>.<