PAX Vaporizer, anyone have one?


Active Member
i did a lot of reading and watching of reviews on this same subject, I have the black one coming in now!
from what i understand it is one of the best vaporizers out there "well as far as portable".
I have spoken with ppl who vap and ppl who have vap'd, most of them that I spoke with said it does medicate well, battery life is good and it is compact. But that being said alot of them tell me you either like it or you dont.
I'd say if you are going to get one anyways get the pax or if you are trying to save money the di vinci or magic flight are half the price, but imo they are not as concealable.


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Staff member
I have owned the Black Pax since 2/16 and over all I'm very happy with it. It has a very small and discreet form factor. The mouthpiece that slides in and out activates the oven. When you remove the mouthpiece there is a small button you press that changes the oven temp.

The oven holds about .4 grams. You need to stir it between every session for maximum efficiency. The device comes quickly to temperature, less than 3 minutes for the most part, even when I'm outside in the cold walking!

The only draw back to this device is because of the extremely compact nature there is considerable back pressure on the draw. So you can't take huge bong rips! You can't just take huge deep breaths. You need to draw lightly, evenly and slowly. This will result in maximum efficiency. But it does take some getting used to and if you're impatient this can be a negative. It does take longer to use because you have to draw slowly.

If that is an irritation then this may not be for you. The Lithium Ion battery lasts a decent amount of time giving me several sessions of use (I consider a session three to four good size puffs). I use it for walks with my dog. My dog is immensely entertained by me staggering about the neighborhood. So it is effective.


Active Member
Well i got my pax last night. me and my room mate sat down to give it a try and at first we were like wtf this sucks, but then it just hit us and i was like holy shit!
It is different from smoking and does have a different flavor, and as far as producing vape i have not tried the davinci but this pax does rip very well, the best way i found to rip on it is wait about 20-30 sec before rips so the vape builds up


I bought my pax a month ago and i honestly cant go back to blunts/papers. its my first vape but def not my first toking tool. just clean it often and you shouldnt have a problem!