Passive exhaust tips


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much done building the room. It's 11' x 17 feet. For now I'm gonna run one 4x8 tray with approximately 1800-2000w. Eventually adding a second tray as I get used to my new set up.

I'm gonna be running an in wall AC unit/Fresh air intake plus Co2. My plan is to keep the exhaust system simple. I don't have to worry too much about odor so I don't think I'll need a filter.

The question is:

How big to make this hole?

2 holes?

One on each side?

Or do I just put in an exhaust fan?

I'm thinking passive because if I'm pushing in 1000cfm of fresh air I may struggle to find an exhaust fan to keep up. I sort of like the idea of just a hole and air naturally pushing out.

The room will be sealed pretty well. I don't know what the CFM rating is for these in wall units but my guess is it's near 1000 or more CFM.

Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
My buddy is setting that up. I'm new to indoor. I've helped on many grows but the finer details are going to be a learning process.

His set up is not controlled by a brain. He has it on a timer and it comes on about 15min before the lights come on. I'm sure he has some sort of calculations for all this... His yields and quality are fantastic so I really have no desire mess with the bones of it. But before he's gonna come down to where my grow is I pretty much want to have everything built out so we can just dial everything in.