

Active Member
why is everyone sooo paranoid on here?? i guess i just come from the old school, i've always trusted stoners and new folks that i've met...i didn't mean to come off as a pig, and i guess i should have worded it differently, all i ment though, is i'm looking for some new friends that are like minded! i'm the furthest thing away from a pig...i'm a 25 yr old college student, long hair, beard, i mean come on!


Well-Known Member
i are out to get you!! hahahahaha your all dooommmeeeddd i will most definatly seek you out and destroy you alll ..... just as soon as my bad ass bad guy spandex costime gets here


Well-Known Member
welcome. it's good not to be too paranoid, but if you're too trusting people will take advantage of you, guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
what? i mean we probibly wont meet u in person but we no paranoid rasta. plus when ur growing as much as some of these riu people being paranoid is a god thing