Palm Tree Help


Active Member
Hi, I just moved to the southern California area from up north and I'm having real difficulty understanding how to take care of palm trees.

I have 3 palms, 2 Majesty, 1 Chinese. At first I was watering them every 2-3 days when the soil would get completely dry. After about 2 weeks of this the fronds on all the trees started to brown. I increased watering at this point to every other day and problem got worse.

Now, I assumed I was watering too much, as these are desert plants they don't need that amount of water. I'm now only watering once a week and the plants are still not doing so hot. The Majesty palms are almost completely brown and the Chinese is drooping a lot and showing black and brown leaves.

They are all in 3 - 4 gallon pots and get about 8 hours of direct, bright sunlight everyday. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
not sure about the others but the majesty i have one and i never water it i let the rain do it for me try to water it 2 times every 3 weeks
and i just clip off the brown fronds

hope this helps you out a lil


Active Member
How big are your palms? It could be that they are root bound, or that the soil isn't draining properly. I'd check the roots and soil just to be sure. I have a young queen palm that I had similar problems with until I upgraded the container. There are ferts. that are made specifically for palms, though I've never used them myself. Good luck to you. Cheers.