Pain relief?


Well-Known Member
Other than the GREAT info already in this thread posted by Bricktop (and others) might I also add- It's not just the's how it's grown and when it's harvested. Medicinal strains (and all really) can be 'tweaked' by closely monitoring the color/ratio of the trichs to give you the effect you are looking for. I actually find that the most difficult thing to really need to document your total growth cycle down to harvest. Cure and then vape/smoke, ingest, whatever methods you use and document the results. With over 17 screws of various lengths ranging from 1" -3" in my body... I'm famliar with pain. ; )


Well-Known Member
Bahia Blackhead from KCBrains always gave me that tingly, lifted feeling. Always made me sleepy too, so maybe not a good daytime smoke. Smell and taste wasn't bad either, kinda like a skunky peach.