Ouch.. Advice please


Active Member
A few months back a tossed a few seed in peat pods and then into the ground at a very private location. Turns out its not so private as a freeking bulldozer must have plowed away the forest RIGHT next to where i planted. Luckily i kept it near some big trees LOL... Anyway i basically abandoned these guys because i checked on them a week after planting and they were EATIN and DESTROYED by bugs. I also was a total noob when this went down and used not so good soil with ferts in them already. Anyway long story short i went to check on them and to my amazement there were two TINY ASS stunted nearly to death little plants ..They have begun to flower at the very tip.. Typically picking time is the middle or end of next month around here. Anyway here a few pics.. They are badly hurt and look to be either fert burned or maybe something else. Anyway im wondering if i should let them go another month or if i should start getting ready to pick them. I wil prob only get like a bong worth but i wasnt expecting anything LOL so this is a pleasnt suprise. Check out the pics ..

Oh yea, They have some serious probs but it is what it is LoL.. They were stunted to begin with and this was my first run at it outside of a book hehe (Remember i abandoned this no slamming please). They are prob like a foot and a half tall if that with small flowers on the tips of both of the two. Anyway the stems are pretty much sitting in water because of the ditch i dug.. Anyway the point of this.. Can you identify what is going on with these? This is just bagseed ( look at the sexy purple hairs) It is VERY sticky and smells good even for such a little midgets that they are.

Is this nute burn? Over watering? Underwatering?
I think it is very highly likely that it some kind of stress because they were hardly hardened off and i didnt even expect them to survive. I didnt water them once in the time they have been there. I dont remember exaclty how long they have been in the ground but its been prob 2 months.

Anyway it doesnt really matter as to what caused it .. we will just say neglegince

OK here it goes.....

Do i let them keep going into next month and pick them according to the color of the tricromes under a scope like normal.... or should i cut my loses.. try to avoid the entire thing being destoryed by nute burn.. something else .. ect ect ... and cut them? Will the stems standing in water make them mold?