Nutes For Flowering


I'm looking for low-cost/no-cost organic nutes to use during flowering. I have 4 plants 2 1/2 weeks into flowering. I fed once during 1st week of flower using organic banana peels blended in a blender and fermented with lacto bacillus for about a week. Will this work? Any ideas?


Active Member
Yo Mota,

I think the peels, like the banana itself, are chock full of potassium and have got a fair bit of magnesium, iron and calcium. It would definitely help the flowering plants. Might attract the fruit flies though, but the girls will be happy.

To provide a wider nutrient profile for free, how about keeping all of your green kitchen waste? (no meat, bread, onions, or citrus.)
Layer that with paper and cardboard, some small sticks and any garden clippings you got (I have even helped my neighbour take our her clippings,) and stick it in a big box somewhere warm outside to compost down for a couple months.
Dunno where you live, but any manure in the compost pile is awesome. I look up chicken farms and give them a call, that's great shit for your shit.

If you're squeamish/live in a small apartment with no outside this might be a bit much, but just google 'humanure'.

You get as much fertilizer as you can eat ;)