Northern Lights first grow ever! (For me at least) Feel free to post comments!



I know it has been awhile - and some interesting things have happened - notably that I killed off two of my plants because I didn't water them enough before I went on vacation... (Whoops).

So, I am posting some more pictures, there is a new thing wrong with my plants, and I can't figure it out.

(By the way - the big green one is #5, or the stunted plant from earlier)



so does anybody have any ideas? #5 is still doing great - but the others are still losing bottom branches. I havn't added nutes in awhile, but I don't want to mess it up :(


what happen you where doin great went to page 5 then bammmmmmmmmmm wow
Yeah - I know, I thought I had watering covered while I was away, but it didn't quite work out how I figured... Anyways, the one is doing great, it's just the other two i'm concerned about, I don't know what is going on. :sad:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I would Transplant and Flush the fuck out of it with PHed Water.. Damn...So sorry for the losses.