No apology EVER !


Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed? C'mon gb your not a teenager, things have changed massively since the 80's 90's and 2000's, Peeps can actually grow top shelf weed themselves without one iota of criminality today?? I guess it depends on your perspective, but everything has changed in my lifetime. I still have that chronic friend who says, "legalization won't change a thing". Despite the fact he gets weed for free and he won't get busted again for having a dime bag in his trunk, and he can smoke anywhere in public. Yeah some can't see the trees for the forest even when a branch (or bud) smacks them right in the face. As a consumer, there is no illegal drug trade anymore for me, I can see the change and I'm living it. Of course if you're a dealer, then yeah nothing has changed, you just have another competitor with a unlimited legal team behind them. Good luck with that....
I meant in relation to bikers is all..sure lots has changed......I guess
but we did as we done for ever...nothing has changed in that respect... and keeping it quiet and out of site and mind is ALWAYS BEST STILL :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed?

...and he won't get busted again for having a dime bag in his trunk, and he can smoke anywhere in public.
but it's been that way for years... at least if you aren't breaking some other law... I've never been charged with anything drug related (as a civilian <grin>) but I've been "caught" many times in my lifetime,. smoking since about '74 or '75


Well-Known Member
but it's been that way for years... at least if you aren't breaking some other law... I've never been charged with anything drug related (as a civilian <grin>) but I've been "caught" many times in my lifetime,. smoking since about '74 or '75
In fact, you wouldn't get busted for driving with a bag in your pocket, but you will now, so I guess some stuff has changed...


Well-Known Member
oh ..wait until they start equating having your keys and a bag of dope on you for impaired in a pubic place while walking.......then it'll get nuts

they already do this for diff the way I see the fuck at this


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
It's only recently that gov'ts and police dept's have started apologizing for all the harm they did to gays back in the day and that's been legal for 40 years so you might have to wait a while.

Like the great Trudeau the 1st once said, ' The government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation' that began the legalization of same sex unions his progeny has the same opportunity to keep his governments nose out of our grow rooms!

Until they allow any seeds to be used by people to grow their 4 legal plants home growing is effectively still illegal in all provinces.

If the Cons get back in this fall I don't doubt they will try to repeal home growing to protect their corporate bum buddy's profits as LPs start declaring bankruptcy.

When are we ever going to get a gov't that actually cares about the people that put them in power. Not in my lifetime. :(



Well-Known Member
but it's been that way for years... at least if you aren't breaking some other law... I've never been charged with anything drug related (as a civilian <grin>) but I've been "caught" many times in my lifetime,. smoking since about '74 or '75
Me too man. Had a bag taken off me once by a cop on horseback in Stanley Park in Vansterdam. We were sitting in the middle of the woods smoking up and two cops rode through the little trail and hassled us. Another time had a cop see the bag in the car while we were hotboxing it a few doors down from the house we scored at in the east end and say you should hide it better but was more concerned about booze which luckily we had none or it could have gone worse.

A few other close calls like that over the years but never even a charge. Now I wonder if it was my white on white skin that saved my ass. If that's the case then cheers for white privilege!

Still could have busted me for being a red-headed bastard step-child tho. ;)


Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Don't know anyone in Canada who has a record for possession pre-legalization? I guess Vancouver cops never cared? I grew up in T.O. and plenty have been busted throughout 80's and 90's for nothing more than smoking a reefer. More than half the dudes with records wouldn't have even been charged with misdemeanor public use today, under our revamped laws. The Canadian public is over it in the sense that smoking in public does not attract anymore attention than smoking a cigarette. No more witch hunts triggered by a neighbour etc. We are not immune to global control obvi, but unless you're concerned about trucking your 2 lbs around in your backseat there is plenty to rejoice. It ain't perfect, but an unregulated free market is unrealistic, As far as I can tell, there is no legal limit for home possession, and to think the gov't has to prove that my seeds were bought illegally. I'm just waiting for some crusader to max out his 4 plants and give it away openly having a day in court....Happy Canada Day peoples, now light up at the party, and SHARE.


Well-Known Member
Don't know anyone in Canada who has a record for possession pre-legalization? I guess Vancouver cops never cared? I grew up in T.O. and plenty have been busted throughout 80's and 90's for nothing more than smoking a reefer.
I also grew up in the area (T.O.) and my experience is the opposite. I don't know anyone busted for simple possession unless it was bundled with something else, in other words they were charged with something else, and they threw this charge in with it... but on it's own? nope... not one... Personally, I've had many encounters (police and pot) but never charged... As someone else mentioned, perhaps white privilege has something to do with it?

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
We used to hang out in Scarborough at Morningside park (before it was internationally known as a pervert park), I've been let off for drinking in public, and once for smoking and driving (my name did go on the "list" which is still active after 35 years dude), but I had to pay large to get a family member (and his buddy) acquitted 3 years ago. 3 of my closest buddies (in their 50's now) cannot travel to the U.S. since the 90's. We're all white middle class family men who definitely weren't involved with any other crime than smoking with friends. My buddy got busted driving home from my place in early spring 2018, before the new laws were in place, he said nothing has changed...oh ya wouldn't have been charged and convicted today...."maybe it has changed". That, "bundled in with something else" was as simple as standing outside a poolhall for a doob on Saturday night. Really though the largest effect for me, as an old lifetime smoker, is now openly being able to break the stigma of use. I do not have to be ashamed for using the plant, and socially, I can speak up. These days even the old church lady, listens...she used to call the cops. Despite the red tape cartel money grab misdemeanor fundraising, I feel much more free, to identify as a father and pot smoking recreational grower. I love this country, and I despise politicians, but every now and then we actually get something. This was a one issue election for me and the only time in my life I have voted liberal, I got what I wanted from selfie boys legalization so blame me. Then go vote like a true Canadian. LOL Happy Canada Day.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on that, I do think we are one step closer, but it's a small step, with some big steps left to come... While I didn't actually vote, I did cheer for the liberals :)