New growth yellow. Curled edges. Rep+ for help.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Hey I've got a 2 week old Jock Horror (fem) seedling with some funky leaves. You can see a pic of her here. She has only gotten a splash of 1/4 nutes because there were none in the soil (mostly coco, vermiculite, and perlite, but there is a small bit of compost too. She is under soil watered at ph 6.7. Temps 67- 84. Humidity 45-65%
She is in a cab w/ 400w HPS w/ diy cooltube @ 18/6 on/off.

Could it be some kind of micro nute deficiancy this early in the grow? Most of the medium is not soil, so is that it?


I myself had trouble with yellowing of leave and edges folding shut. I was growing in all organic soil more like a wood chip and composed mix. I hit mind with jacks classic 20-20-20 and in 2 days nice green color and leaves are flat and loving life... good luck that's what helped me

Cow Tea

Active Member
I myself had trouble with yellowing of leave and edges folding shut. I was growing in all organic soil more like a wood chip and composed mix. I hit mind with jacks classic 20-20-20 and in 2 days nice green color and leaves are flat and loving life... good luck that's what helped me
I don't think it's a n deficiancy because it's the top leaves that are yellowing, not the bottom.


New Member
Research Zinc deficiency. Looks sorta like that. Lockout caused by high ph. Will cause new growth to yellow and become twisted. The piks in the troubleshooting area are severe, look more at the description. Good luck!

Cow Tea

Active Member
I checked out this thread on plant diagnosis for zinc deficiency. I understand you're saying read instead of look, but the
zinc image
looks so much different than mine, plus my plant is only two weeks old. Shouldn't it be able to handle a couple weeks without nutes? She seemed to be having these problems for a few days, all the while growing.

Compare my image:

this image:

That is from the same diagnosis thread. It is an image of light bleaching. Maybe I should back the light off a bit. It is a 400w hps about 8 inches away from the light. It started at 24/0, but a few days ago I thought it might be light bleaching from too many lumens, so I put it down to 20/4 (well 4/20 for a day and a half cuz I fucked up on setting the timer). Then, just yesterday I switched it to 18/6 to keep the temps from climbing too high. I'm gonna back the light off a few more inched and see if that helps. Thanks and +rep to those that gave a response. I'm still open to suggestions.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad ideal to just add a few nutes too. My Bio Thrive Grow has all needed micro nutes. It'll cover my bases if a deficiency is my problem.

Cow Tea

Active Member
I checked on her and she seemed to be doing better. Her new leaves are starting to get green in them. Before I posted this thread yesterday I gave her a flush (just in case) and added to the night time. When I checked on her today she seemed to be doing a little better. I gave her a shot glass full of 1/4 strength nutes just to make sure she has something to start with. When she dries out a bit from the flush I'll give her a full feeding of 1/4. When she gets to where her new growth is back on track I'll bump up her nutes.

Preciate the advice on zinc deficiency. The research led me to what I think may have been the problem. Although I'm not quite sure if the leaf edge curling was a part of light bleaching. Oh well, hopefully with the flush and some light nutes, whatever it is will be corrected. At least her leaves are firm now.



Active Member
Your problem was most definately overwatering which essentially locks everything out,not using nutes because it's drowning,not using the light because it cant grow,I can tell by your first pic that it's a water prob. when you start a baby water from the bottom so the soil and plant doesn't take up excess water. Also get a spray bottle for top watering for the first week or two. Raise the temps in your room and water less,also keep the rooms humidity lower till she dries out. Hope this helped. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Your problem was most definately overwatering which essentially locks everything out,not using nutes because it's drowning,not using the light because it cant grow,I can tell by your first pic that it's a water prob. when you start a baby water from the bottom so the soil and plant doesn't take up excess water. Also get a spray bottle for top watering for the first week or two. Raise the temps in your room and water less,also keep the rooms humidity lower till she dries out. Hope this helped. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.
What about the first picture makes you think it was over watering? It may have looked like it had a lot in the pic cuz I had just flushes it, but before the leaves were real soft, like tissue paper. I have over watered seedling before, and the plants looked much different, and they didn't grow at all. This one has still been growing at a decent rate. It has actuallyway out performed the other seedlings as far as growth. Plus it started getting better after I gave it a heavy flush, which would have made an oberwatering issue worse.


Active Member
I can tell by your soil/soiless mix around the vermiculite the soil/soiless is hella dark thats the look of very dense soil from water saturation trust me you have way too much water in their. When your plant is a seedling/cloneling lol, it is very delicate and needs the right start,it looks like that plant doesn't have a descent root system and already has mass stress. Heres a tip water from the bottom for the first 1-2 weeks this will allow your plant to only take what it needs and the soil wont get water saturated,dont water from the top unless it's a spraybottle. A contributing reason might be toxic salt buildup in conjunction with your overwatering. Just raise your temps,dont water for a while,if your plant isn't stunted it'll be fine. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.

Cow Tea

Active Member
How would I get toxic salt build up if I had never fed her before today? Plus I use organic nutes. The picture was dark because it had just been watered. And over watering doesn't explain why it recovered even though I flushed the shit out of it. I really think the yellowing was due to light over-saturation because I had a 400w hps 8 inches away from a seedling at 24/0 light cycle. Seedlings that I over watered in the past always kept yellowing, and their leaves would kinda curled down, yellowing first at the tips. This seedling was yellowing from the middle, the leaves were flat (except the serrated edges), and they got a little greener. When my over watered leaves turned yellow, they never went back green.


Active Member
If your not using RO,you can get toxic salts from your water supply it runs anywhere from 0-300 ppm on the average. I'm not trying to get into a dick measuring contest, i'm just trying to help you out on your problem. I've seen seedlings look like that when they are overwatered it locks out nutes, when your leaves turn yellow you have a N deficiency,not takin up the nitrogen. I've also seen that same thing with toxic salts,and yes organic nutes can cause toxic salts build up. It might be just too close to the light,you do what you think is right your the one running the bank.Goodluck

Cow Tea

Active Member
Yeah sorry I might have come across as a dick. I don't know my water ppm, but I don't think it is bad, because my other seedlings seem fine - as long as I water from the hose water, because for some reason my in house water has a PH of 9.2 - but I don't use the house water. You're right about watering from the bottom though. I've started all my spring/summer veggie seeds in and old ebb/flow setup with a short overflow, so I could water from the bottom. I also have a cool mist humidifier that runs for the top. It's an easy way to water a bajillion seedlings. I really don't know what the deal was with this plant besides the light saturation, because this is the only plant I have this problem with. Oh well it's getting a lot better and is growing pretty fast.


Active Member
Sounds like a cool setup. You can get a semi-cheap ppm-ph meter off the internet or from a grow store anywhere from 50-100$. They are worth having if you have the extra loot,lol. If it's growing i'd say fuck it,if they are seeds,sometimes you get a weird one,lol. Glad to hear it's growing,i'm on here every couple of days if you have any questions you can PM me. Take care.