New at this-Testing Book "Buds for Less"


Active Member
My husband and I just got our medical recommendations and got 3 clones from a friend 3 days ago. Not sure exactly how old they are. They are planted (for now) in 4x4 square pots, but we are going to transplant them into 3 gal pots asap. (I think asap is better?) Our friend also had loaned us a copy of "Buds for Less" by Seemorebuds a few weeks before. We want to try to do exactly as he did in the book and prove all our friends wrong. None of them think it will work. They all think you have to have $1000's in equipment... Okay, I'd like some input from experienced CFL growers. Are our lights too close? (About 2 inches; we are watching close to make sure they don't touch..) Is 78 degrees too hot? We have one fan running continuously, then a small heater/fan when the temp starts to dip below about 75. We think the plants are about at day 11 in the book, judging by the pics. Does everyone agree by our pics? They didn't grow much, if any in the first day or two. But now Plants 2 and 3 are taking off. Not sure about Plant 1. It's still pretty small. We should transplant asap, right? The main difference with our set-up is we aren't using reflectors. We figure that since we have so many bulbs and the room is staying the right temp, we really don't need to pay an extra $7 a piece... Anyone think we would really need them for any reason? I REALLY want to get a moisture meter for the soil cause my husband has a habit of overwatering our regular houseplants. But he insists we don't need one...please tell him he does need one!!!!! Okay, sorry this is so long! Any advice or tips will be greatly appreciated! (Hopefully you can see the pics)




Well-Known Member
If you'd like some inspiration you should check out Humbolt's grow. Do a search in the CFL forum for wbd's grow; he had a pretty success one as well. I'm sure there are others. I've got one in progress at about Day 59 if you are reading the book (mine will likely flower longer due to genetics)

I don't use the reflectors. I don't own a moisture meter, but if you tend to over water you may want to get one. The clones look great! Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
god i wish we had medical here. Good luck on your grow. Welcome to the forums, you will find A LOT of great info and help here. And in case ya missed it, the author of that book posts here :)


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. SeeMoreBuds= Garden Knome. You are describing exactly what will happen with clones. Slight shock from the transplant, settle for a day or two, then take off. Some get a little more stressed by the proces and will more than likely be just fine. Tell hubby that that vicious sob said stop watering those plants, that is the number one cause of failure for new growers. You don't have to have a moisture meter, I have one that cost less than $5.00 at wallyworld, you can 'feel' when your plants need water by lifting the pot and feeling the weight. VV


Well-Known Member
Those girls are looking good. When you flower will depend on your height limitations and the plants' maturity. I flowered mine at 18 days when they were about 4" tall, but they were from seed and were really bushy. With clones, you may want to let them veg longer to let their root system develop more, but I'm not sure. For what it's worth, I wish I had vegged mine a bit longer.


Active Member
Ok, more new pics. Sorry I keep posting pics every night, but I am just blown away at how fast these plants are growing! Plant 1 isn't doing real well. It probably won't give us too much. But Plants 2 and 3 are doing wonderfully! Oh yah, and we just found out that the plants weren't planted in Miracle Grow. And the guy is telling us we should go 18 hrs of light now, then 12 hrs in another week or two. We are thinking another week or two of 24 hrs. But we haven't done this before...what would be the benefit of diong it his way? Too many damn variables!!!



Active Member
I would really like to get some answers to my questions from him, since we are trying to follow his book and these questions aren't answered in the book. (And we started with clones, unlike the book.) Please help Garden Knowm!!!!