Need some info on CS


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to buy some colloidal silver. What should I look for when buying? and how much should I use everyday I spray?


Well-Known Member
I would recommend STS instead ... silver thiosulfate. You can prepare a solution of known strength, unlike colloidal, which is a crapshoot ... no way to know the actual silver content without analytical work. cn
This should help me a lot. Thank you. I'm thinking of messing around with my LAxOG and the BBS blue cheese I got germing or the purple clone I got from my friend.. Just a lil experiment to get me started in breeding a few of my own "project strains".


Active Member
I got bio silver and sprayed every day for a long time probably a month indoor and after awhile it looked like it was going to die so i stoped and put it outside and left it alone for about 2 weeks and then i noticed there looked to be balls so i started to spray again and im still in the process its been a hard strain to tackle but i think its going to work