Need helpppp


Well-Known Member
So last night my seeds came in the mail i put them in a little shot glass with some water, this morning i went to check them out the seeds were big but there was no water in there, i put it more water but is there a chance theyre gonna survive??


Well-Known Member
If they didn't completely dry out they re probably still good.Did you only put a little water or is it that hot the water evaporated.I always throw my seeds in cups full of water,not to the top but enough so it wont dry out.


Well-Known Member
germination is not necessary, during the process of planting the germinated seed it is VERY easy to damage your seedling, as long as it didnt dry out i would say go ahead and prime the soil and plant it... good luck
germination is not necessary, during the process of planting the germinated seed it is VERY easy to damage your seedling, as long as it didnt dry out i would say go ahead and prime the soil and plant it... good luck
What I have been taught is to get a couple of pieces of paper towel, wet them enough so that all the paper towel is moist with a little extra moisture for expenditure. Put your paper towel in an old margarine tub, put your seeds in between the paper towel layers, and put in a cool, dry and dark place and leave them for a couple of days, only checking to see if the paper towels are still moist.

After about 2 days I noticed mine had cracked, and after about 5 days all of them had shoots, one even had 2 shoots, and one had strangled itself.

I then put them in rockwools and place them in a propagation tank under a 150w EnviroLight.

That's only how I have been taught, and it works, so....yeah.


Well-Known Member
Soaking (No more than 24hrs) in bottled water allows moisture to penetrate the protective seeds shell within minutes. moisture continues to wick in to activate the dormant hormones.
In 24 to 72 hrs, hormones activate and send signals to produce a small white rootlet(radical).


Well-Known Member
they should be fine :)
plant them and just keep going with them and if you notice nothing in 1-2 weeks the dih them out and see what is going on :)

peace and respect


Well-Known Member
plant your seed in soil. dont worry about the germination through paper towles and such. so much esier to just put them in soil


Well-Known Member
I don't think soil was mentioned but if you are growing in soil I just throw it under some soil and groooooooooooow!!!.................:peace:good luck