Need help! Light went out!


Active Member
Woke up this morning and my hortilux hps conversion bulb is out. THe ballast is running but the light is just buzzing. Its all been working fin the last week but when the lights went out last night. THey never came back on. Please help. Is the bulb messed up? THis is my first grow with these bulbs. thanks.


Active Member
mate,,,it could've been your timer,,is it an electronic one or mechanical,,cos the elec ones wont last long on a hps light cos they pull too much power for them to handle at the start


Active Member
Mechanical, I think its because it dosnt have a real ground. just a hole there. My buddy gave it to me and I didnt realize he just cut a hole for the ground to go into. Gotta get a new one. Thanks though.