My mutant grow


Active Member
It's a bit late in the growing to start a journal for it, but I have enough pictures to make this first post pretty informative of the development so far. Which also means, this first post will have a lot of pictures.

My buddy bought a bunch of seeds (Hawaiian, Butterscotch, G-13) and started growing some plants.

Because he forgot to keep track of the first couple seeds he germinated, he was unsure what each sprout was.

He gave me one of the 2 first sprouts.

At the beginning, I had the plant outdoors, under a plastic sheet to keep in moisture and such. It was indoors for a couple days under a cool white cfl.

Worried that the bag was damaging the plant, I abandoned it and went for a natural outdoor potted growth. When I noticed the yellowing bottom leaves, I flushed the minimal used nutes out of the soil and continued on the regular watering schedule, using more water.

More water seemed to do the trick, and the leaves stopped showing new decay. The plant went on to produce new growth.

I topped it a little high.

The 5th picture [EDIT: And the 4th pic, in the second post] shows a good close up of the first mutant leaf my plant decided to grow. As you can tell, the leaf resembles a 3 bladed leaf, but technically is only 2 bladed. It also has 2 central veins running through it.

After that are pictures of the beginnings of the new growths which would become the branches caused by topping.



Well-Known Member
dosnt look too deformed to me, just a 1 in 1000 natural defect. how old? a few weeks? i think the plant looks good anyways. whats with those little weeds around the stem when she was younger? i see you pulled them but are they just from growing outdoors?


Active Member
Now, to get things moving forward again.

Here are more recent pictures. They show how I tied 2 branches to pull them outward so the leaves closer to the main stalk could get light. I also tied the original top 2 leaves to the branches that grew next to them.

I did that because I didn't want to remove healthy leaves, and I also wanted them out of the way so lower leaves could get more light. Eventually these 2 leaves did get removed unnecessarily. I say unnecessary because healthy leaves shouldn't get removed, and tieing them up seemed to work.

I also included pictures of some 4-bladed leaves that decided they didn't want to be 3s or 5s. Please note, I did nothing to encourage this abnormal development, and I did not alter the leaves just to make them like this.

There's also a picture of one branch that decided it wasn't growing to grow a pair of leaves together. It grew one, then a little higher it grew the other on the opposite side.

After some pics of the full plant, there's a close up of what I thought was the start of signs of sex.

Turned out later these would be new branches. Please note however, I did not retop the plant. It just decided on its own that the new branches, would grow branches.



Active Member
And here's the last of these starter posts.

This one just shows the 2 veined leaf (after a bit of decay from being removed).

It also shows the start of a cloning. The 2 lower big branches were removed to be used as clones. The 2 lowest (and smallest) branches were simply removed.

The branch with the unpaired pair of leaves was given to the same buddy who supplied me with the plant.

Supposing it was the only G-13 seed he managed to germinate, now we both have one growing. Well, 2 for me and 1 for him, supposing the cloning is a success.

I will come back with new pictures at every definite change. With the new branches developing branches, I expect to have updates every couple sunny days.



Active Member
dosnt look too deformed to me, just a 1 in 1000 natural defect. how old? a few weeks? i think the plant looks good anyways. whats with those little weeds around the stem when she was younger? i see you pulled them but are they just from growing outdoors?
I don't know what those little things around the stem were, but every time something new starts growing I pull it out as soon as I see it.

As for the plant itself, it's around 2 months old. Since I didn't write down the day, I can't say for sure.

So far it's been almost strictly sunlight and plain water. I keep a 2L bottle of water sitting with the cap off so when it's time to refill the chlorine can get out.

I don't have a moisture, CO2, or pH monitor for the soil. I just look at the plant, and see what it needs then supply it. If the leaves are leaning one way towards the light, I turn the planter so they'll lean back and straighten. If the soil gets too dry, I water it.

The weird thing about the 1 in 1000 defect, there's 3 leaves that grew in as 4 bladed. Two of those leaves still are 4 bladed, and one has decided just recently to become an actual 5 bladed leaf.

So out of 4 fresh leaves growing out of the top, where I topped it, 1 became a 3 bladed, 2 became 4 bladed, and 1 started as 4 bladed then became a 5 bladed.

Lower down the plant, there were some 3 bladed leaves that later became 5 bladed.


Active Member
Here's a couple new pictures from today, including 2 pictures of the development of future branches off the sides of my branches.

I decided to tie up the top 2 branches to spread them apart a little and get more light to more leaves.

This little mutant wants to be a bush as much as I want it to be. It might even want it more than I do.



Active Member
Ok, yesterday I used a nutrient solution for the first time that matters. Either the plant didn't like the nutes, or they were too strong, but over the course of a single day, I noticed some nute burn on the leaves. Or what I assume was nute burn. Despite being too early for the next watering, I watered it again anyway to force some of the nutes out of the soil.

On another note, today I found the final even numbered leaf. We know how pot plants grow leaves with 1 blade, 3 blades, 5 blades, and 7 blades. My plant has grown 1 through 7 including the even numbers. I have a pic of the 6 bladed leaf included here, with some nute burned leaves.

Also, I had to remove the last 2 leaves that were growing out of the center stalk. All the leaves still on the plant are growing from the 4 branches.

My next update will include a picture of the whole plant. Looking at it from a few feet away doesn't look much different than the last picture I took so a new one isn't really needed.



Active Member
These most recent pics from today show the development of some of the new branches.

There's also some pictures from before and after I tied it up.

As well as a picture of each top.

Today I also snipped off the damaged leaves, despite their greenness.



Active Member
I will add new pictures this week, depending on how many cloud free days we get. Clouds have definitely caused a slow growing plant. Stupid weather. I'm growing outdoors to avoid finding out how much it would increase our hydro bill growing indoors.

Anyways, if anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to post and I'll get back to you as soon as I see it.


Active Member
Ok, time to update. It seems like some of the leaves are having problems. Overall the plant seems healthy, but the larger, fatter leaves are turning yellow. They also have some spots, probably from a failure to measure the nutes properly when I used them. I've decided to go the rest of the grow without nutes, because when I use them I screw things up.

Anyways, if the yellow leaves start to rot I'll clip them off.

Also, tying up the branches to spread the plant seems to have worked for half the new branches growing in. I'm not sure what I could do for the other half.

So, look at the pics, and any advice is welcomed.



hey man just checkin out ur grow...looks to be goin good...check out my first one i got goin let me know what u think man


Active Member
Ok, not much info wordwise this time.

I removed the yellowist leaves because they didn't look healthy, and they were in the way of the light. This should promote better growth of the newer branches.

Some more leaves are turning yellow, and I included some pics to show how yellow they are compared to the healthy green leaves.

Also, I unlooped the rope from the spikes that were pulling the main branches out. They've stiffened up pretty well and are holding the shape I gave them.

I'm not sure how tall the plant is, because I neglected to measure it, but where I topped it is 3" from dirt, so that plus the total height of the upper branches is the height. It's probably about a foot tall now.

A question I have though, is can anyone confirm from the leaves if this is a G-13 plant? And from the size of this pot, how big could the plant get safely?



Active Member
Ok, it's been a while since I've updated. The lack of added nutrients took it's toll on my plant. It got pretty sick. I finally managed to get some nutes for it. I picked up a container of 24-8-16 Miracle Grow and a container of 10-54-10 Shultz Bloom Builder.

I just used the Miracle Grow today, and took some pictures before I pruned away dead leaves, and 2 pictures after.

Also I think I have some bugs eating holes in my leaves.

