my d.i.y trash can water storage


Well-Known Member
just wanted to show you guys what i did.

got a 14 doller 25GL trash can w/lid. then i had 2 air pumps setting around.i super glued the rubber feet to the lid and duct taped them intell the glue drys.the duct tape will come off.

so then i drilled 4 holes and ran my tubbing and put my air stones on.filled it up and pluged it in..let me know what you guys tap water is 7.0 so i use it and some PH down.i used to buy distelled water but really a waste of money.but great for first timers



Well-Known Member
do you have added nutrients to it already, or do you add them outside the container when your ready to water?


Well-Known Member
now put a 200gph pump in the bottom hooked to a toggle switch on the lid with a watering hose and your golden.


Well-Known Member
thanks i use a 1GL KOOL AID JUG,HAHAHAH to get the water out then put my nutz in.then i check the ph an do what i need to do.BUT I HAVE A WATER PUMP FORM AN OLD HYDRO KIT....and then i got on of thoughs chrismas tree toggle plug it in ,and the cord is long so the round foot toggle can sit on the floor.....thanks for the input fella's

no hydro grow.soil for me. but the watering trash can is for keeping water on hand