MMPR Pricing and Varieties


Well-Known Member
Not sure is that was sarcastic or not, sorry, I just got here. There is no reason why an LP cannot use a "graded" system, similar to fruit, and sell at various prices accordingly.

One example. Many cannot or will not buy their full prescription amount. Possibly, with their "unused" portion of prescription, they buy some cheap sugar leaf for baking.

As a client, I would likely be interested in BOTH, the best (most expensive) and the cheapest, depending on my bank balance. I often have to mix crappy with good, at least I get a TASTE of the good :)
yes..I was sort of indirectly referring to the fact that HC expects all mmar patients to destroy any medication they've acquired during that time or they will turn us in to the police. LPs are supposed to sell dry bud only. We all know that there is both monetary as well as medicinal value to the sugar leaf, but as it is now, LPs will have to destroy everything else. So I guess it will only be a matter of time before LPs will be allowed to do what you do and mix it all up. Our gov is so stupid that they only allow dried marihuana. Everybody else knows that it's the whole plant that counts, the buds are just the best. The last thing I want is an LP being allowed to grade his product. Fuck them - I only want top self buds and they can destroy rest.