microbes and ph


Active Member
For years I have used the Lucas Formula with cal mag iron silica and kool bloom. I use RO water. When I mix correctly the ph is always 5.5 and I have never had to use ph up or down through the whole grow. I recently decided to add orca microbes, sea green, rootamentary and tru blooms from beneficial biologics. At the end of my last grow I added orca and it made the ph keep going down below 5.0 but that was easy to fix since ro water comes out at 7. Now I started a new grow with all the microbes and the ph keeps rising. about .25 an hour. I wasn't expecting it and my plants almost died 1.5 days after new water with microbes. I have had to dump over 1ml of ph down every 8 hours in the 3 gallon buckets. It is now 6 days later and I am down to 1ml every 15 hours but it still climbs.

I asked the hydro store and called BB.. both say they can all be used together. there are only endo's in it, no ecto's or tricho's. I am using water farms with hydroton. Everything is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide thoroughly like I've done for years.Never a bug or disease to this day. So the only thing that changed is the addition of microbes.

Has anyone else had this problem? How can I fix it other than adding 200ppm's in ph down? I am considering trashing the microbes since 2 different environments and strains.. both times caused ph imbalance. I'm making new ro water now to change everything out.


Well-Known Member
a lil pinch of dynagro grow or bloom in the res would not only lower the ph but also stabilize it.most silicas will raise ph as well,maybe your silica is not playing nice with the new microbes?i been on this new kick where i wont use ph up or down,instead i try to use a nute that moves the ph and i have found the dynagro to lower and stabilize very well,just 1ml per gal will lower ph most times so use caution.and im using silica and humic acid to raise ph,most times just the humic.but if those microbes are actually doing there job in there and growing stuff,its gunna change ph as it works.gl


Active Member
Awesome. I will have to try that. I kept kool bloom out of the feeding cycle right now because they're veging. I'll try it out.