Medical Marijuana In NC


Well-Known Member
Hello all alot of you know me and have already replied to my post in Jerry's post on Bill 1380 . My plan include the opening of a hydro garden thats capable of producing enough product to make The Phoenix Tears to help the ppl in NC . I have already purchased the land and have the blue prints for the facility . When the bill passes I will start the construction .
It truly warms my heart to see all that have offered their help so far . Trust me when the bill passes I will need alot of help with the facility to produce enough to help all that need it . At no cost . This product will be giving to those that need it . I'm not in this to get rich or to even make any money . I want to help those the doctors have giving up on and can't get relief any where else .
I'm following in the foot steps of Rick Simpson . A truly great individual that came up with a cure the goverment has known about for years but wouldnt make public for fear of losing kick back money , with out thought of the countless number of deaths its cost us .


Well-Known Member
Well im in. Before I even start talking here I would like to say that everything I say is (of course) under the condition the bill gets passed and should be read as so. That being said, I think once we get the facilities built or during the process we should contact a breeder and see if they could attempt to make an "ideal" strain for the process so that we dont have to deal with so many F2+ plants/unstable genetics, Or the hassle of having to waste more time than neccesary with trial/error for said strain. I do have family that I know for a fact are looking for work with plants for botany experience for a degree I may be able to talk to also.


Well-Known Member
That would be great . I want to work with indica for the couch-lock effect . If your treating a person with cancer you want them to be able to rest and lets face it indica is better for this then sativa. Sative will be good for helping those with depression .


Well-Known Member
Yea I personally like mixes because I have social anxiety/paranoia depression and a LOT of pain. Its funny when your 75 year old grandfather tells you he dosent even have that much pain. I did have an idea for a way we could set it up if we have to form a collective to be able to grow the plants: If you have enough land/room for an indoor part say someone gets a card and the plant limit is for example 12 plants. They set us up as the supplier/grower or whatever and we grow 4 of that persons 12 plants indoors so that we can supply them and the other 8 go into pheonix tears (With the patients permission of course) Again though that is a very rough example but we could take the entire indoor harvest and weigh it up, average it out to say a pound per person or whatever and give them that much. As long as its enough to supply them and not like 2 ounces to last them 6 months or anything.


Well-Known Member
I have that worked out for the most part . I was thinking of a pound a month per person we grow for . with their permission we will put the rest into The Phoenix Tears project . The pound will be in any form they like . Edibles , hash , oil , butter or just bud .
I was figuring that 12 plants is alot of weed when vegged and flowered properly . With just a few patients that amount will add up quick . But if I'm not mistaken the limit to plants per patient is 24 . I already have 20 ppl I know I can grow for in the Winston -Salem area not including myself , my wife and 5 other employees of the complex who all already meet all guide lines of the proposed bill. Unless my math is off thats 600 plants right there. Now thats a shit load of weed when grown properly.


Well-Known Member
Then theres my 24 plants. I can probably talk my mom into it since she has a lot of problems I think it would really help her honestly. If you dont mind me asking a couple questions. How much land do you got? And how much square foot wise are the facilities you've planned? Also you have factored in ventilation for the phoenix tears correct?


Well-Known Member
Yea I got everything factored in . The building is going to be 150'x150' sitting on 100 acres of land with 12 outer buildings for drying and curing bud and producing The Phoenix Tears . I have a feeling that when this starts its going to flower up bigger then I could of ever imagined . I already know I'm going to have to battle alot of governmental bullshit . But I have prepared for this.
The thing about state government is , as long as you pay enough cash you can do pretty much what you want


Well-Known Member
Dont you just love it? After the government then theres going to be the pharmasuticle industry. I can handle whatever they can throw at us.


Well-Known Member
I'm braced and ready for the Pharmaceutical companies . My lawyers are on standby with a fucking hugh retainer . I've dug my tranches and filled the sand bags , I'm ready for the war that will come once the bill passes . Like I said before , if they want to lock me up for helping others , then I guess I'm prison bound .


Well-Known Member
No worries bro , thats why I have high powered lawyers on my payroll . I dont know when to keep my mouth shut or when to quit . I get an idea in my head and wont quit till I see it through to the end.


Well-Known Member
Heres alittle information for everyone to think about .
By Jeremy Briggs

Biodiesel fuel from Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil can be used as is in bio-diesel engines. Methyl esters, or bio-diesel, can be made from any oil or fat including hemp seed oil. The reaction requires the oil, an alcohol (usually methanol), and a catalyst, which produces bio-diesel and small amount of glycerol or glycerin. When co-fired with 15% methanol, bio-diesel fuel produces energy less than 1/3 as pollution as petroleum diesel.

Energy and Fuel from Hemp Stalks through Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is the technique of applying high heat to biomass, or organic plants and tree matter, with little or no air. Reduced emissions from coal-fired power plants and automobiles can be accomplished by converting biomass to fuel utilizing pyrolysis technology. The process can produce, from lingo-cellulosic material (like the stalks of hemp), charcoal, gasoline, ethanol, non-condensable gasses, acetic acid, acetone, methane, and methanol. Process adjustments can be done to favor charcoal, pyrolytic oil, gas, or methanol, with 95.5% fuel-to-feed ratios. Around 68% of the energy of the raw biomass will be contained in the charcoal and fuel oils -- renewable energy generated here at home, instead of overpaying for foreign petroleum.

Pyrolysis facilities can run 3 shifts a day, and since pyrolysis facilities need to be within 50 miles of the energy crop to be cost effective, many new local and rural jobs will be created, not to mention the employment opportunities in trucking and transportation.

Hemp vs. Fossil Fuels

Pyrolysis facilities can use the same technology used now to process fossil fuel oil and coal. Petroleum coal and oil conversion is more efficient in terms of fuel-to-feed ratio, but there are many advantages to conversion by pyrolysis.

1) Biomass has a heating value of 5000-8000 BTU/lb, with virtually no ash or sulfur emissions.

2) Ethanol, methanol, methane gas, and gasoline can be derived from biomass at a fraction of the cost of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy, especially when environmental costs are factored in. Each acre of hemp could yield about 1000 gallons of methanol.

3) When an energy crop is growing, it takes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, and releases an equal amount when it is burned, creating a balanced system, unlike petroleum fuels, which only release CO2. When an energy crop like hemp is grown on a massive scale, it will initially lower the CO2 in the air, and then stabilize it at a level lower than before the planting of the energy crop.

4) Use of biomass would end acid rain, end sulfer-based smog, and reverse the greenhouse effect.


Unlike petroleum reserves, America has enough coal to last 100-300 years, but burning it for electricity puts sulfur (toxic to every membrane in which it comes in contact, especially the simplest life forms - into the air, which leads to acid rain, which lills 50,000 Americans, and 5,000 - 10,000 Canadians, annually, and destroys the forests, river, and animals.

Charcoal can be created from biomass through pyrolysis (charcoaling), which has nearly the same heating value in BTU as coal, virtually without sulfur. Biomass can also be co-fired with coal to reduce emissions.

Ethanol and Methanol

Ethanol is a water-free, high-octane alcohol which can be used as fuel to drive cars. Under current conditions, use of ethanol-blended fuels such as E85 (85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) can reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases by as much as 37.1%. Ethanol-powered vehicles do suffer in performance (barely), but ethanol is effective as a fuel additive because it helps engines burn cleaner.

Once pyrolysis facilities are up and running, converting biomass into charcoal for electrical power plants, it will be more feasible to build the complex gasifying systems to produce ethanol and/or methanol from the cubed biomass, or to make high-octane lead-free gasoline from the methanol using a catalytic process developed by Georgia Tech University in conjunction with Mobil Oil Corporation.

Ethanol is currently being used as a fuel additive, replacing toxic methyl tertiary ether (MTBE). Ethanol producers are currently providing only 1% of America's liquid fuel. Soon though, as new development processes are researched, and with the use of hemp, the plant worlds number one producer of biomass, the cost of this alternative fuel will give petroleum vigorous competition.

Hydrolysis: A process whereby cellulose is converted to fermentable glucose, which holds the greatest promise for production and feedstock, because it could produce 100 gallons/ton. Tim Castleman and the Fuel and Fiber Company are researching this technology. Their method extracts the high-value bast fiber as first step. Then the remaining core material (mostly hurd) is converted to alcohol (methanol, ethanol), and then to glucose. Hydrolysis could produce 300,000 to 600,000 tons of biomass per year per facility, if each facility could process input from 60,000 to 170,000 acres.

Gasification: A form of pyrolysis which converts biomass into synthetic gas, such as ethanol, and low grade fuel oil with an energy content of about 40% that of petroleum diesel. This process is good for community power-corporation and people seeking self-sufficient energy needs. A small modular bio-powered system is in place in the village of Alaminos in the Philippines, using gasification techniques for energy.

Anaerobic Digestion: A process of capturing methane from green waste material (biomass). This process is toxic, but well suited for distributed power generation when co-located with electrical generation equipment.

Boiler: Biomass can also be burned in a boiler, but this energy has a value of $30-50 ton, which makes it impractical due to the higher value of hemp fiber, unless used on a local small scale, and in remote rural applications.

Hemp Produces the Most Biomass of Any Plant on Earth.

Hemp is at least four times richer in biomass/cellulose potential than its nearest rivals: cornstalks, sugarcane, kenaf, trees, etc.

Hemp produces the most biomass of any crop, which is why it is the natural choice for an energy crop. Hemp converts the sun's energy into cellulose faster than any other plant, through photosynthesis. Hemp can produce 10 tons of biomass per acre every four months. Enough energy could be produced on 6% of the land in the U.S. to provide enough energy for our entire country (cars, heat homes, electricity, industry) -- and we use 25% of the world's energy.

To put which in perspective, right now we pay farmers not to grow on 6% (around 90 million acres) of the farming land, while another 500 million acres of marginal farmland lies fallow. This land could be used to grow hemp as an energy crop.


The most important aspect of industrial hemp farming, the most compelling thing hemp offers us, is fuel. Right now we are depleting our reserves of petroleum and buying it up from other countries. It would be nice if we could have a fuel source which was reusable and which we could grow right here, making us completely energy independent.

Petroleum fuel increases carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and contributes heavily to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which could lead to global catastrophe in the next 50 years if these trends continue. Do you want to find out if they are right, or do you want to grow the most cost effective and environmentally safe fuel source on the planet?

Using hemp as an energy and rotation crop would be a great step in the right direction.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil has historically been used as lamp oil. It is said to shine the brightest of all lamp oils. Hemp seed oil lit the lamps of Abraham Lincoln, Abraham the prophet, and was used in the legendary lamps of Aladdin.

Anything which can be made from fossil fuels can be made from an organic substance like hemp. Toxic petrochemicals can be replaced with hemp oil.

Hemp oil can be made into anything with an oil base, including paint, varnish, detergent, solvent, and lubricating oil. The advantage of these product is that they are earth friendly and biodegradable, and do not destroy ecosystems around them like petrochemicals do.

Until the 1930s most paint and varnishes were made with non-toxic hemp oil. Hemp paint provides superior coating because hemp oil soaks into and preserves wood, due to its high resistance to water.

Hemp oil is a good base for non-toxic printing inks. Soy is currently made into inks, but soy ink requires more processing and takes longer to dry than hemp oil based inks.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I have an idea for creating power for the facilities. If we were to use the excess roots stems leaves etc. and burn them to boil water into steam and use the pressure from the pent up steam to power generators we could (in theory) cut our energy consumption by I think what around 5-10%? Not to mention adding that to the use of solar panels.


Well-Known Member
Oh and not to mention that we could also use said method for simply distilling water to water the plants.


Well-Known Member
Good Idea . I will research this more and see what I can find . I need to do more research this Bio-diesel , might be able to produce our own fuel using seed oil .


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking when I first started reading. Then I thought about it and we ALL know if NC legalizes it SC wont be long behind. So then we have 2 more states with it legalized and I dont think it will be but 5 years before the majority of the US has legalized it. By then I think we will be producing a lot of bio diesel with hemp anyway. I guess what im saying is the way it seems to me raw electricity is becoming more of a problem than fuel is, And if we were to use the excess material to produce energy said way then we could not only swap out the water thats been in the I guess I would call it boiler for awhile with tap water and all we would have to do is PH the water and we would have distilled water and energy. Where as it seems to me producing fuel would be more of a single function thing instead of multi function. However, After typing all that I think it just occured to me it was pointless because we could do it where we get all 3 functions out of a hemp crop.

Edit: Seperate hemp crop.


Active Member
how close is the med plant market from coming to NC? im in full support any more information or pointing in the right direction i would be greatful. I dont know any legal people but think for as much tobacco that comes out of this state. The hemp market should be huge along with all the medical patients that would benifit from it.


Well-Known Member
Well you do know that phillip morris actually shut down its plant in concord a few years back right? We havent really had anywhere near as much tabacco export since.


Well-Known Member
Introduction of Hemp Bio Diesel maybe the liquid fuel of the future. Hemp is a high yield C-4 photosynthesis plant. Hemp can boast a higher oilseed yield than any of today's oilseed crops (soy, canola or safflower).
Thirty years ago soy beans were a joke to American farmers. Who would have guessed that in thirty years soy beans would become the largest oil and protein crop in American farming. Right now Hemp farming is a joke to American farmers. Who knows what the next thirty years will do to American Hemp farming. Hemp fuels are yet another benefit of Domestic Industrial Hemp Farming. As we enter 1997 more than ten states will be considering Industrial Hemp Farm Bills. In the meantime, Hempseed must be grown out side the country. The major part of the cost of the inexpensive Hempseed is transportation from across the globe. The seed to produce a gallon of Hemp-seed oil can cost up to $100. All foreign production and shipping plans are doomed to high costs. I look forward to the days when a farmer can produce his own hempseed oil fuel as low as a dollar a gallon.
The following formula for making Hemp Diesel Fuel will work nicely to make small quantities of fuel to run the sound stage at your Hemp Rally this summer. A 4 kilowatt diesel generator uses around one liter an hour .Imagine walking to the microphone and saying, "The sound of my voice is coming to you with the power of Hemp Fuel !". Seeing is believing. I'll drive you around the state capital, Senator, In my Hemp Fueled Vehicle!
Bio Diesel is not a new fuel. The DOE and USDA have provided funding for research for years. The Biomass Conference of The Americas in Burlington Vermont had over a dozen papers presented on all aspects of Hemp as an oilseed cultivars. Lets get on with it!
How to Make Bio Diesel Titration of Free Fatty Acids. Measure Free Fatty Acid content of your oil: Mix 1 ml oil with 10 ml Isopropyl alcohol = 2 drops phenolthalian solution (available in a hobby shop chemistry set suppliers). Drop-wise add 0.1% lye solution ( 1 gm lye in one liter water ) until the solution stays pink for 10 seconds. (20 drops = 1 ml) Record the milliliters of 0.1% lye solution used.
Methanol You will need 200 ml of methanol per liter of Hemp Seed oil. Methanol may be purchased as Drigas available at most automotive stores, read the label for methanol. Also Methanol is available from racing stores. Avoid hardware store methanol (wood alcohol) as it mat contain excessive water content.
Sodium Methoxide For each liter of hemp seed oil you need one gram of granular solid lye for each ml of 0.1% lye solution used in titration of free fatty acids plus 3.5 grams. Completely dissolve the proper amount of Lye in the methanol (Red Devil Lye can be purchased from the Grocery Store). This combined mixture makes sodium methoxide.
Mixer The type of mixer depends on the size of the batch. A blender works fine for a small batch. An electric drill and paint mixer on an extended shaft works well in a 5 gallon bucket. An electric light dimmer switch provides a good speed control.
Transesterfication Once the lye catalyst is dissolved completely so that there is no sediment, then the oil may be added to the methanol lye mixture while mixing continuously. At first the mixture becomes thicker, then thinner as the reaction proceeds. Collect samples every 5 minutes with an eye dropper into a test tube or clear container. The Mixture will separate into a light top layer of bio diesel and a darker bottom layer of glycerin, soap and catalyst. Continued mixing 30 - 60 minutes until the yield remains constant. Then stop mixing. Go have lunch. When you come back it will have settled into two distinct layers. You have just made what could be the fuel of the future for a self reliant society. Let the mixture settle for at least 8 hours. Pour off and save the bio diesel top layer into another container. A clear funnel bottomed container is helpful.
Rinsing The raw Bio Diesel that you have just produced may have some catalyst, alcohol, and glycerin remaining which could cause engine problems, so for long term engine reliability this raw fuel should be rinsed with water. Gently at first then more vigorously rinse with water until the rinse water is clear and the pH of the rinse water is the same pH as the supply water. Settle, Decant.
Drying Water in the bio Diesel makes cloudy so it must be carefully heated. At 100 C most of the water coalesces and falls to the bottom. This water must be completely removed from the bottom of the container before heating to higher temperature.
Once all water has been removed then heat the bio diesel to 300 f (150 c) to complete dryness. Cool, filter, and store bio diesel in a well marked dry closed container. 100% HEMP DIESEL FUEL (HEMP OIL METHYL ESTER - HOME FUEL)
This fuel may be mixed in any ratio with petroleum diesel. Dynamometer tests indicate full power output with up to 75% reduction in soot and particles. No engine modification is needed to burn bio diesel fuel.
Other Oil Feedstocks Hemp Seed Oil at present is too expensive to drive across the country. That is not the object of this article. Our purpose is to demonstrate proof of feasibility of this fuel concept. The time is now to give hemp a chance. The small quantities of Hemp Diesel Fuel can play a powerful role in educating ourselves and the policy makers about the hope in hemp.
For other readers the question will be raised. What else can I use can I use as a feedstock that is cheaper between now and domestic hemp seed crops? Soy, Sunflower, Canola, and Safflower oils are being used in field testing programs right now.