MD Hydroponic's Ballasts?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where md hydro actually gets there ballast from. like who is the orginal manufac. They call them "their own" ballasts, but im sure they come from somewhere. And also if anyone has any expierence with one. -Thanks

Ram Baba

Active Member
Hey , they probably have an outside company. I am planning on getting 600w from MD Hydro soon. I think they have a 3 yr warranty vs a 5 year warranty, forgot which one is on their ballasts. another cool place to check out is HTGSupply (dot) com.


Well-Known Member
yea. They have a 3 year instead of lumateks 5 year. They sell both lumatek and their ballasts there. I havnt heard anything bad from anyone about md's ballast. But it is a difference of $40 so it might be worth it to go to lumatek for two ore years. But at the same time you could tak that 40 and get some other supplies. good luck and let me know which on you get and how it works out.

Ram Baba

Active Member
hey, i just got the 600w ballast/reflector and bulb from MD Hydro, ran me up $320 with tax. i got their version, not lumatek. im feeling the hole in my wallet. i still need a 6" exhaust fan.

Ram Baba

Active Member
No, I got the cheap aluminum wing reflector, though i have to still get a 600w MH , 6" fan and hangers. I might get a better reflector too, depending on how much more it costs. let me know !