Male space dawg into hash


Active Member
Well it turned out my tga space dawg ,that was gifted to me, was a male. So while I'm germinating some space queen x qleaner seeds, I decided to chop up the space dawg stem and trimmed all leaves off to make some isohash. Now I know many people say not to use males for anything but possibly cooking, I could not resist taking these trich covered leaves and making some iso. I took about two ounces of fresh leave ran it through the iso process and got about a gram of some beautiful golden brown hash, and I must say two hits of this and I am flyin high right now, lol. So if anyone tells you males are nothing but garbage think again, if they got enough trichs on em make some iso.


Active Member
I forgot to mention, I also freeze all parts of the plant I intend to make hash from first, to allow easier trich removal. Also, I use a fan on the iso mixture to evaporate the alcohol, with using the fan I find a bottle of alcohol to evaporate in about 4-6 hours much quicker then just evaporating in the air.