making "the clear"small scale?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I wonder what are your thoughts of making "the clear"in a small scale production? From my understanding, the clear is low quality that is distilled to get rid of the bad color/flavor, then they add back terps for flavor. I was wondering do you think it's possible to do at home? Maybe not add the terps back but at least make the color more clear and reduce the flavor?

I was thinking maybe using a globe vaporizer or like a jar vape. Add the oil to the vape instead of bud, then let the vapor collect. Maybe add ice/dry ice to the jar to condense the vapor faster. Then collect the oil from the jar. Thoughts n ideas?

The oil i have enjoying recently is on the darker end but the reclaim looks goldish n pretty. So that's what got my interest sparked. Hell I have like 30g of kaka lil, if I could make it all into reclaim without smoking it, that'd be nice too lol. Just for experimental purposes lol


Well-Known Member
Well being in an illegal area, i dont get to try dispensary stuff terribly often. Ive never had "the clear"
Correct me if im wrong..
What you propose is to take some crappy oil, dark, possibly laden with fat and chlorophyll etc...distill this oil leaving the wax and whatnot behind and ending up with a "pure" cannabinoid and terpene etc extract that only composes the volatile portions of the original?

It will be darker than it could be, as its been heated and more goopy. You could potentially add essential oils for flavor- store bought essential oils and cannabis "hash oil" are both comprised of the same compounds...


Well-Known Member

You basically got the idea right (at least from what I know too).The thing is, all of the clear I see is, well clear lol. It deff is goopy as can be (comes in a little jar like in the pic, but I tend to get it in a syringe). They do add terps/essentials oil back to the concentrate as well. Pretty cool if would be able to add store bought oils! Mmmm strawberry! lol.

How come reclaim comes out looking like gold? I mean, the stuff I was smoking in my rig was pretty dark. Not bad at all, just dark, but the reclaim came back goldish.

^--- This was the vaporizer idea I had basically, instead of using flowers like she did, I would add the lower quality oil.


Well-Known Member
That picture they show is exactly what i had in mind.

Do you know if they add a more inert substance like pg?
Wether they do or not, you could definitely add some high quality essential oils and end up with that product. That same gold and transparency, using a distilled or reclaimed starting material


Well-Known Member
That picture they show is exactly what i had in mind.

Do you know if they add a more inert substance like pg?
Wether they do or not, you could definitely add some high quality essential oils and end up with that product. That same gold and transparency, using a distilled or reclaimed starting material
As far as I know, there is no PG being used. It's solvent-free (they got in trouble in the past for saying solventless). There are no added substances to the product (besides the terps).

How would I go around making that gold like transparency? Or turn my dark oil into golden reclaim?

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
From what I understand from talking to a friend at harborside they are microwave distilling the crappy oil to make the clear. You can actually buy a microwave distillation set up for small scale home essiential oil making. What you are talking about is vapor compression distillation. Bubble man has talked about this and o have been trying exactly what you are talking about. Except ive been using bud. Depending on the temperature you vape it at you will get a darker yellow sap with great terps or darker red sap low in terps but high in thc. Ive only done it 4-5 times so far. Here is a picture of last try.20141120_181253.jpg20150306_110722.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea, you can definitely get a gold clean deposit. Even through combustion, a bong with a perc can give very clean reclaim. A vape obviously does much better. after dilution you will end up with something similar to the picture.

As lio showed, it is very similar. Lacking only i imagine the added terps and possibly moisture, which have a very low melting point and will make it even more runny.
Personally i would be weary of microwaves but that could be from a lack of knowledge, i hate to heat my product and microwaves dont use a set temp as we all know but loosely cook at boiling points exciting the molecules, heating fats and sugars etc at different temps. it will work fine, just opposite of what i normally try and do..avoiding any heat...anyway
There may also be a significant hydrosol produced depending on method.
You can buy them fairly cheap

Imo its way too much work for an inferior product.Just something cool. Without alot of equipment and hassle, reducing pressure boiling off, increasing pressure and lowering temps to condense, then add terps from possibly an outside source.
I would just make the starter extract properly, you wont save money by cleaning poor extracts and doing this to bud just wont give as good of quality as you could get...


Well-Known Member
I should mention this to my friend who uses a glass joint or blunt. He puts a sponge of steel (not steel wool much coarser) just in the smoking end then lights his hash oil on that. Honestly looks like we're smoking crack!!! But it has clogged up his pipe big time but I doubt it would be great for smoking pure. Maybe more for rolling in a joint or edibles?​