LVPD FLIR and Helicopter Question, and NV Power Reporting Question


I live in San Jose and I can tell you that CA is NOT better than Vegas! They just shut down 90% of the stores here in the past two weeks, look online! The Feds did so and the party in LA is officially over. I am a patient in CA and I was considering retiring to Vegas, as my wife and I love it there. I have some concerns about FLIR used by LVPD (they have 2 helis with FLIR per online searches) and they use them every single day in the valley looking for people growing by using FLIR heat signatures. Then they go to your local power company and subponea your bill, then you get raided. I fear this GREATLY in all states, but LV has tons of data online about their FLIR and use of it to find growers. The heat signature of a legal patients house would be the same as any large scale illegal grower, as most patients put each of their 3 plants under their own 1000 watt to get big ones. So a patient with 3,000 or more watts over 3 plants and some wattage in their veg room would look the same to the LVPD.

It is one of my MAJOR concerns with going to LV. I heard they arrest even legal 7 plant patients there and take their plants and equipment, they only return the equipment AFTER you have been arrested and the DA hopefully chooses to drop the charges because you had the legal 7 plant count and a valid card. However, I can't imagine having to worry about the DA saying your card is not legit (even after you have one in NV) and what if your doctor doesn't show up to defend you in court? I am PETRIFIED of the FLIR and how you get arrested and then "hopefully" the charges get dropped. I thought initially it was basically like they spot you with FLIR, they come to your home, you tell them you have a card and then they say ok show me the card and your plants. You show them the card and your 7 plants and then they leave forever and never bother you again... What I read online is contrary, so I took to your NV forum to ask you guys the truth. I also wanted you NV patients to be aware of FLIR via helicopters and handheld units in cop cars that they drive around with and look at homes with. You can design against FLIR as well!

Please tell me if you have heard of FLIR arrests in LV, or if you have heard of NV Power reporting high power users to the cops who come out and arrest you, even if you are a legal MMJ patient... I want to know if this is happening daily in LV as this is something everybody needs to know about. Thanks again for your responses, and keep up the fight for patient rights in LV!!


Active Member
good info im looking it up but not founding anything but ill ask some guy i know that work for LVPD ill get back to u later!!! JB


Well-Known Member
I don't live in LV, I live over the hump in Pahrump. A lot nicer place than that pig sty they call Sin City... Don't get me wrong I love the desert, and grew up in a different Las Vegas than what we have now... Those were the days, get up before sunrise and watch the government set off an Atomic Bomb......Anyway... My friend had a sheriffs deputy stop by about burglaries in the neighborhood. He asked if that was pot he smelled. My friend said of coarse it is, it's not a skunk. He showed him his license, the locked room with his paper work pinned to the door...and his three plants, two 400watt cmh in flower, and one 250 mh vegging. The deputy said "Nice plants", left and never came back....
The laws a still pretty fucked in NV.. We expect the NV Supreme Court to direct the legislature to straighten out the law a bit.. There is no way access legal pot, and you are only allowed to have 1 oz. and that needs to be changed...
Read this thread and you might consider selling those 1000watt lites and do what Scottyballs has been doing for years.. 11-15 oz per plant, 60 day flower. Run three plants and harvest every 30 days...The first 25 pages explains it all... The rest of the thread is aimless drivel and pointless questions....


Still hoping for MORE responses... This is a problem for all of you in LV, so I am hoping to here if this has happened to anyone you know or your thoughts on the issue. Thanks again for viewing and responding!


Well-Known Member
Dude dont worry i havent heard of anyone going to jail that is a patient in NV if your doing illigal shit then your gona get fucked if your not dont worry about it!


Well-Known Member
I also haven't heard of patients within the legal limits getting arrested or hassled by the police..


Active Member
spoke to my boy at lvpd he siad they dont have nothng in the everday police car with them but if you are being watched by the narcotics team they do fly overs and unmarked car well drive by with FLIR thng you are talking about he also said alot of mmj card holders bring alot of ths shit on there slef by not fellowng NV rules also DEA is the onlyone who can take your plants nomader if you are within the law are not LVPD only cant take plant if you are not within NV law hope that helps!!! JB


Active Member
Hungry you are wrong... I am only talking about Legal patients doing exactly what they are allowed 7 plants... You do have to worry if you are being legit!! JB thanks for the great info, what do you mean bring this on themselves? I am ONLY talking about legal patients with 7 plants total 3 flower 4 veg, and NV Power tipping off the LVPD who in turn puts the narcotics team on it or whatever they do. Can you ask your cop buddy if that is how it works? Meaning you have a high power bill (pun intended) and then NV power tells the LVPD to watch you. NV Power and LVPD have no clue if you are legal or not, because they can't see the confidential list of card holders. So they do the FLY overs and see some heat using FLIR, then they drive by and see heat with FLIR. Then the LVPD comes to your door and arrests you (as the card doesnt spare you getting arrested in NV). It only works to hopefully" get your charges dropped, even if you had 7 plants and had everything legit you still get arrested and then you pray the DA drops your charges. Ask your cop friend JB if he has heard of 7 plant legal patients getting arrested and then their charges dropped, even if they were 100% in compliance with NV laws. The LVPD and DEA can BOTH take your plants and all of your equipment until the DA hopefully" drops your charges. This seems a very poor way to treat legal patients following the rules who only got bothered for one reason, FLIR due to a fly over by a helicopter... Please advise as to your thoughts as we need to figure this out, as EVERY patient in NV is at risk of FLIR even if they dont smell, dont tell and dont sell, they are still completely vulnerable to FLIR which will end up getting you arrested even with a card!
^^^^^ WOW! Paranoia. Relax. Follow the rules of the state of NV MMJ laws and youll b just fine. Theres way bigger fish to fry.


Active Member
ok guys got some info!!! stay with in state laws and your good my boy says if you have a good setup and you are following state law you well be fine contain your grow smell from nosey neighbors because he says most of the time there tips come from neighbors , whoever and they have to check it out if not by the LVPD then the DEA and thats all he could tell me and to make it very clear the last things he said was if you are following state law LVPD wont take SHIT!!! but if you are a dum ass grower and a neighbor or anyone contacts the DEA directly card holder or not within state law or not 9 tmes out of 10 your shit is gone till theres a conclusion with the DEA!!! ENOUGH SAID RIGHT!!! JB


Thx JB for the good info. Do you guys agree that the DEA would NOT follow up with charges on you if you have a card and are only growing 7 plants, regardless of the size of the plants and as long as you only have the 1 oz limit within the home? Have you heard of any patients in LV within their limits being arrested by the DEA?


How much power are most people running in LV that are legitamate patients? In CALI, most run 3 1000s over their flower and 2 600s over their veg and a portable AC at 1000 watts... I was wondering what you guys are normally running in LV, so if we move I could match exactly and blend in with your electric company's reviews.


Active Member
not sure my first grow i used a 250 watt when im ready im movng up to 600wt or led dont no yet but DEA dont know with them men just have all your up to date doc's and dont go over kill because those people are the one getting DEA at there door over kill if you ask me!!! JB


Well-Known Member
I run 2 1k horitilux ,xl hoods,1 8in inline fan, LG 12k btu A/C ,1 6in inline fan, 6 in small intake fan, Co2 and regulator and thats for Flower! Veg is a 8 bulb Big boy T5's 2 asalating fans. I run the A/c in my room 24/7 and my grow room a/c 24/7 my veg room runs on 24/7 for the first 3 weeks of veg my electricity bill is $270 more than normal so all together we pay $480 with all other bills! I dont worry now if i was running 4-10 1k watt bulbs then i would be worried. but up to 4 lights you should be alright! and im a lil past my limit of plants opps!:-o


Active Member
dam do yea thing bro sound good but are you in a house or apartment im in a house powerbill run about $220 thats not growing siht right now got some fish tank that power bill shit worrys the hell out of me so my ??? is how do you keep your shit so low!!! JB with all your runnin???


Well-Known Member
Im in a house bro! well you cut your grow times in to smaller times like when you first start flower do 12-12 and then 3rd week in switch it to 10-14 then slowly by the time you get to your 8th week you should be at 9-15and veg i run 14-1 and then 14-1 again! it works for me i learned this special lighting technique from a good friend and Great grower!


Well-Known Member
Thank god we don't have to worry about this shit in Colorado we live in peace fresher air smog free mountains cleaner air Nd the baddest fucking military!!!!


Well-Known Member
Accually Nevada has the Best Military Period we have Nellis Air Force Base and Area51 we have more secret planes and technology and were home of the baddest Pilots!!!