Lowryder 2 seed grow with pics


Well-Known Member
This is the sole female of the 5 seedlings I started out with. She is 63 days old and was pollinated (lowere half only)about 35 days ago with the male I set aside and collected pollen form. Grown under flouros for 2 weeks then switched to 150 watt HPS with t-5 fouros X4 for side lighting the rest of the grow. What do you think? How much longer should I wait to harvest the seeds? The seed pods are breaking open, but the seeds look green.



Well-Known Member
I will answer the question myself. I harvested the pollinated buds yesterday (About day 80) and all the seeds seem mature. Probably could have harvested earlier, but this grow was primarily practice and for seeds. My plants look pretty small compared to other LR 2 grows I have seen. I bet I get a close to half ounce once dried, I'm thinking my heat was too high. It would run in the mid to upper 80's. Also I went with very low strength nutes. Plenty of light I'm sure -24,000 lumens for one plant to be exact. Soil was Foxfarm Ocean. I have picked 30-40 seeds so far and there is another 40+ in the buds I have drying.

My next grow will be a bed grow with hopefully 5 females once I cull the males. The heat will be decreased into the 70's by using a remote ballast rather than adding more ventilation. Current Mixvent pulling 100CFM should do the trick. Also I will use a gradually increased concentration of nutes.

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
How tall is she? What medium are you going to use with your bed grow? I had the same idea for my Diesel Ryders (once they get here). I was planning to use rockwool as the medium for my bed.


Well-Known Member
The plant was only about 10 inches high. I was going to use Foxfarm Ocean for the bed grow. Basically throw about 15-20 seeds in a big pot and pull the males as they appear.