lot's of pics...wierd stuff happening HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
i would say see if you cant improve the plant its good practice if anything and will teach you a lot. i say the best teacher is one of faults and errors. and if you keep this post up other people can learn about it and it might help them out with a similar situation.

closet grower

Well-Known Member
lol... that last pic looks like this plant is a cross between a marijuana plant, a tomato plant and a venus fly trap... lol Damn that's kinda scarey...


Active Member
if you started from seed and you changed the light cycle perhaps to check sex was done to long it will still flower but you may end up with seeds or a very short plant or both.


Active Member
i always have to laugh at the people that want help step by step. okay then, heres your first step, go to the growfaq section and READ IT!!! i've always found it helpfull to learn shit for yourself before starting some kind of project or whatever.

in my experience, which is roughly 20 years, there is little gray area when you are growing something. mother nature has set out fairly specific parameters for things to grow to a healthy maturaty. the sun is up there everyday, regardless of clouds. the growing season days start out getting longer, the veg cycle, and then the days get shorter, signaling the plant to flower. there is no revert back to a longer day, nothing in nature goes from veg to flower then back to veg. and you have been so kind as to show why mother nature doesnt do this... MUTATION!!! KEEP IT SIMPLE.. i'd scrap the alien and start fresh, after you read read read on how to do it properly, good luck..

on a side note, if your growing practices are anything like your respect your space (all the nasty cig butts on the patio in the pics) you may have a slightly longer learning curve. just a thought..



Well-Known Member
that is one funky plant mate.....I would just keep on keepin on and try to keep the freak alive.....Not the strangest thing I've ever seen a plant do but its up there......


Active Member
I'm fucking with the purp clones currently, and may be untill a better clipping comes my way. It is a very sensitive plant to hermaphoditation. Light leaks, over heating, or left on lights will give your plants sacks and seed pods, but are still VERY chronic. this may be in the heredity of the plant, as it was origionally only available as a clipping, and was stressed into hermie. it really looks like your light schedual was fucked up beyond the re veg period. I had some grape apes sit 5 days without light, and they looked almost exactly like that.

its been over 2 months. whats the conclusion?