logging me off.. PLZ help...BS

hey RIU my computer keeps logging me off before I can even finish a post.. whats up with that.. I can't put pictures on here because it logs me off before im done.. its like 3 minutes... whats up yall.. is there a way I can adjust this?


Well-Known Member
I too am having the problem for the last couple days, havent been on in months, came back a 2 weeks ago to a new set up and being booted off like every five minutes. It is getting really annoying. Also other members who I've spoken with are suffering too. Thanks for you help.


Ps, I had to just relogg in to submit this after typing it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I got mine working (I think) by allowing the "full" GMail (my homepage) to load, rather than using the "for slower connections" version, which I had been using forever. Seems to keep me signed in as long as I don't walk away for very long, like 15? min (default).
In Google/GMail settings, I also unticked "use keyboard shortcuts" which should have been ticked anyway.
Hope this helps?
Do you mean steve Earle's road thats my driveway...:mrgreen:


Ok, I got mine working (I think) by allowing the "full" GMail (my homepage) to load, rather than using the "for slower connections" version, which I had been using forever. Seems to keep me signed in as long as I don't walk away for very long, like 15? min (default).
In Google/GMail settings, I also unticked "use keyboard shortcuts" which should have been ticked anyway.
Hope this helps?


Well-Known Member
Do you mean steve Earle's road thats my driveway...:mrgreen:
Sure enough.

My "fix" was a pipe-dream . . . still getting timed out every time. Sucks the big one.
I know it's allegedly a browser issue, or user's PC, but my other saved sign-ins never stopped working like RIU''s has for the past coupla months.

Ahhh, the good old daze, when I could stay signed in.


Well-Known Member
I find that if I check the "remember me" box it will keep me signed in unless I close my browser. I'm using firefox btw. Something has definitely changed with riu though...