local NJ buds..


Well-Known Member
what ppls...

question. I just picked up a 1/2oz. of this... look familiar to anyone? It's the best I can do.. with the camera I'm stuck using for now. It shines under lighting.. with trichs reflecting the light, really raeally sticky buds.. just wondering if anyone could possibly name it..

Look out below!...

EDIT: Nah, the picture quality isn't all that great and I do apologize for that.. its the best I can do with the equipment
I have. But its not schwag.. its the goodie goods.

Apparently you don't know what your talking about.. so I'll just wipe that one off as another hater. My number 1 fan!

peace everyone..



Well-Known Member
Though upon further review it looks more of a reddish green material.. Does it have a skunky flavor?
very skunky.. and sitcky as all get out bro.. you can see the heads of the trichs.. there that big. No joke...

the shitty camera I have.. just doesn't do any justice. None at all.. blurry ass pictures. :|

but, for now its what I have.. so I use it.