Liquid Chlorophyll


Active Member
Just heard about this dietary supplement that might have some other obvious uses.
Anyone ever heard of this stuff?
"Health claims associated with liquid chlorophyll include improved immune function, remedy for constipation, reducing gas and eliminating bad breath."


Active Member
Some of those "Obvious uses" May include:

Watering Soil:
This might not work for the organic grower as the bacteria and microbes will most likely break it down before it can be used by the plant.

Hydro/Aeroponic Additive:
I'm not a fan of these, but in this manner I'd think it would be easier for the plant to use the liquid since these systems use micro-nutrients, instead of beneficial bacteria to get the nutrients to the plants.

Foliage Spray:
Probably the most likely to have any good effect. Spraying plants with a diluted solution might get absorbed into the plant.


Active Member
Plants make their own. Trying to apply it to them will only harm them.....
Is this an assumption like my statements or do you have any proof?
You can feed your plants juice from blended plants and veggies without much Harm.
I'd assume this has trace amounts of chlorophyll in it.