light from underneith?


Well-Known Member
Would it hurt anything or gain anything from putting a 250 watt in-between my four plants? What affects would it have on the plant from shining underneith?



Well-Known Member
it might cause the plants to start stretching towards the hid in the middle instead of reaching for that light up top.

what light is above the plants?

i tried that and it confused the hell out of my plants lol the tops on all 4 of them all curled down and towards the middle


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a power supply issue so I'm stuck with a 250 HPS and a 400 MH... I can't run my 1000w HPS and the A/C at the same time in my shed.

I don't know if it would be better to come in from underneith with the 250 HPS or add it to the top with the 400 MH that is shining down. I'm just looking for opinions/advise.



Well-Known Member
id say stick with the the hid on top and use cfls or something to help supplement, the cfls could be close as hell to the plant and not confuse it