Let's see if we can debunk this Piece of propaganda..


Well-Known Member
Just for fun, I thought some might like to see this. Anyone can make up a bunch of numbers and publish them as fact. Most people don't take two seconds to consider if the numbers are accurate. I'm not an expert, but thought this article was biased and wanted to see what you all thought about this.


The first thing I'll note is the Pounds of trash they hauled away.. They included the cannabis plants as trash.
My refrigerator uses around 700 watts. I can grow 4 beautiful plants with a 400 watt bulb. Although, my refrigerator doesn't run constantly.
They should have also included the cost to each tax payer for enforcing MJ laws and incarceration as well as added the death toll involved with the black market trade.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Those are some crazy numbers!

An indoor grow with 4 plants takes the electric of 29 refrigerators?

For every pound of pot grown indoors 4600 pounds of co2 gas is released.

The energy to produce a joint is the same energy as producing 18 pints of beer????

LOL, I'd like to see the numbers as well.