leafs are dry


Well-Known Member
so my leafs are hella dry and i need to fined out a way to keep my girls a little more moist or what ever.\
any help rocks! thanks ya'll


Well-Known Member
the temp is at 76.3 right now... for the humitity, iam not sure,, iam guessing its around 40 to 30 %, witch is kinda low i know, but i cant get5 a humitifier right now so iam kinda not sure what to do...........


Well-Known Member
hmmm, if your humidity is that high.....my hunch is that it may be something else.
Are the leaves beginning to get crispy at all? hmmmmm....
Any pics?......


Well-Known Member
ya, the leaf tips are dun for on my 1st girl, the 2nt girl is doing great!
but for the other, shes goten very crunchy,,,witch is kinda sad cuz shes an unnormal plant, meaning its not growing right, theres like 10 nodes in 9'', and its wicked bushy. anyways ya man i need to get someing to tell me the humitity of the room,,,anyways ya'll.....thx again for any help i may get..
seattle wiseguy


Well-Known Member
well i need to get some humitity in my room, cuz mr right plant had taken a little pain after last night an not geting water. i watered tonight after the 12/12 cycle, but my right one is short and very bushy,,,looking great right now,,iam wicked stoked...just hoping 4 the right sex now..lol.......................seattle wiseass


Well-Known Member
i mist the plant every night.....the right one, the one that was small at the start, is the one doing the best,, kinda cool how that allways happens

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey wiseguyz..

are you going to mist them when they are flowering? Are you nervous about bud ROT!!!!! YIKES!

- scary music plays -


Well-Known Member
naaaa, i just spent a little over a 1000$ on my new room, iam just waiting for everything to come in the mail. anyways this plant will not make it too buding,iam gona chop that little bitch to a million pieces,lol. but naa, shes gona get cloned out hard, iam just waiting for my fluorescents to arive so i can put them in to veg mode. anyways in the end, i will have put more then 1,500$ in a mounth and a week into my grow op........


Active Member
My plant are 2 weeks into budding and the leafs around the smaller buds are drying up while they are still green. It seems to be spreading thoughout my whole crop. Once the leafs around the buds turn geen and dry up the then turn brown. I dont know what to do!!!!!!


Active Member
:evil: My plant are 2 weeks into budding and the leafs around the smaller buds are drying up while they are still green. It seems to be spreading thoughout my whole crop. Once the leafs around the buds turn geen and dry up the then turn brown. I dont know what to do!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
:joint:hi guys my plants had some hit stress and the temperature was 95f to 110f before, now i have a better space and the temperature is lights on 80f to 87f and humidity is 40%to 30% but the leafs are very crisp or dry but still growing and they are 5 to 6 weeks old 10 inchs tall and no sign of flower yet maybe because the hit stress or nuts stress, u dont belive me but i did stress my plants since the first day of growing i have a 400Whps 3 fans in there and some in take air from the hole on the floor i did the hole so i get some in take air not to good,but like i said leafs are very dark green and when i touch feel like they are crisp or dry never see no plants like that, my first grow anyone help. and i think they going to be hermie i have read some post and said any time when the plant get lot sterss they going to be or they will be hermie like i dont care because i want some seeds for next growing and they said the seeds are good and are 90% female seeds:weed: