Ladybugs on my plants?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how they are getting into my house but every time I go check on my plants there are atleast one or 2 of them in the soil or on the plant is this a problem?

I caught one earlier on top of the leaves and it looked like it was almost eating it any precautions i should take or any tips on how I should take care of them?

As of right now everytime I see one I kill it.

Any advice would be great thanks!


Well-Known Member
ladybirds are good predators. dont kill em. They will eat almost evry nasty bug you might have on your plants.


Well-Known Member not kill the ladybugs...these are so beneficial in pest control...lady bugs believe it or not are a predetor bug and feed on the pests that harm cannabis...i buy a few thousand every year and let them loose in my outdoor..they are great....

Brick Top

New Member
At our nursery we love ladybugs because they eat all sorts of other types of bugs that we do not like.

I just did a quick Google search for ladybugs marijuana and of the few things I read they were considered to be beneficial. One site, that was a link to a thread at 420, showed pictures of a plant or plants covered in ladybugs and they were/are used as a natural way to rid your plants of mites.

Like I said at out nursery we love ladybugs.

So you do not have anything at all to worry about but if you want to read it for yourself do the same search I did and read as many pages of information you need to feel comfortable with having ladybugs.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thats great news thanks! Now I hope they return ha ha I just literally killed 5 or 6 of them hoping they return now!