Killer Bagseed Window/CFL/Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres the deal...I got some killer bud and i figured I'd germinate 'em and see what happened. Well they all rooted and they're all growing. I got them in a window which gets sun almost all day and i have a 40Watt CFL on them as well. As soon as spring comes I'm going to put them in a swamp. But until then, they stay where they are. I've got them in some miracle-gro potting soil...just the regular top soil...and i think 3 gallon pots.



watch out for the swamp i tried a grow there once i figured is hidden and noone would want to walk there but the ground was too wet and my plants rotted. one of them actually budded but was moldy when i looked closer. make sure you plant away from the wet areas of the swamp and that there is a lot of sun.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have 5 plants in one pot under any circumstances. all the roots will grow together which will make transplants near impossible, plus when some of those turn out to be male and you have to chop em, the dying roots can spread dirty shit into the healthy ones. you need to put those in seperate pots asap or youll fuck up your whole grow.


Well-Known Member
Well my buddy does the same thing every year he grows and he grows some killer i'm going along with how he does his...and thus far hes got 5 plants in the same kinda pot...just mine are a bit bigger. And i guess he feminized his seeds (no friggin' clue on how to do that) so that solves my problems with the males. This pot mite look a little small for these 5 plants but that pot stands about a foot tall...and you can see how full it is with they wont be rootbound anytime soon. When i transplant them im just goin to take the whole entire rootball and put them in the ground the same way there in the pot.


Well-Known Member
And about the whole swamp thing...its not exactly in the swamp...its on a little penninsula type deal that shoots out into the swamp...not wet at all really...but i wont ever have to worry about watering them.

I've got another little grow...inside a speaker box hehe...Theres 4 plants in it total at the moment but will be adding about 10 more in a few days...I got 2x40Watt CFL's on the top of the box and a 23Watt? flourescent tube going from corner to corner so the sides and lower portion of the plants are getting the light they need. These are from the same bag as the other plants...just being grown in a different place. I have 2 plants in each pot...will be transplanting here in about 2 days...once i get a chance to get to the store.


Well-Known Member
Well my buddy does the same thing every year he grows and he grows some killer i'm going along with how he does his...and thus far hes got 5 plants in the same kinda pot...just mine are a bit bigger. And i guess he feminized his seeds (no friggin' clue on how to do that) so that solves my problems with the males. This pot mite look a little small for these 5 plants but that pot stands about a foot tall...and you can see how full it is with they wont be rootbound anytime soon. When i transplant them im just goin to take the whole entire rootball and put them in the ground the same way there in the pot.

this feminized seeds dont always work.. you need to watch out. and they will get big by spring hence you needing more light before spring. where do you live?


Well-Known Member
Well my buddy does the same thing every year he grows and he grows some killer i'm going along with how he does his...and thus far hes got 5 plants in the same kinda pot...just mine are a bit bigger. And i guess he feminized his seeds (no friggin' clue on how to do that) so that solves my problems with the males. This pot mite look a little small for these 5 plants but that pot stands about a foot tall...and you can see how full it is with they wont be rootbound anytime soon. When i transplant them im just goin to take the whole entire rootball and put them in the ground the same way there in the pot.
its still dumb.


Well-Known Member
its still dumb.
AGREED get them babies out of the same pot, show em some love by spending less than a dollar on a plastic container... avoid planting in the wettest area of the swamp and MAKE SURE they can get enough light... definitely repot them dude the roots get tangled a lot faster than you think


Active Member
Ok, heres the deal...I got some killer bud and i figured I'd germinate 'em and see what happened. Well they all rooted and they're all growing. I got them in a window which gets sun almost all day and i have a 40Watt CFL on them as well. As soon as spring comes I'm going to put them in a swamp. But until then, they stay where they are. I've got them in some miracle-gro potting soil...just the regular top soil...and i think 3 gallon pots.
these guy's are right the roots will bind up quick i put my seedlings in peat pots 4" and roots popped through in about 4 days it does happen very very fast.


Well-Known Member
Ok....Since you guys are all saying the same thing...i think im going to take your advice and put 'em all in seperate pots...i think they're 12" pots man...if not that then at least 10"...The part of the swamp im puttin them in NEVER gets flooded cuz i duckhunt it every year and i happened to run across the perfect spot. Its A little opening that kinda rises up with about 5 cedar trees in almopst a perfect circle and then right in the middle is jus a big patch of i figured since the trees are about 30ft from eachother the spots pretty open enuff to get light almost ALL DAY. I'll take pics when the snow melts......I live in NY....way we got like 2ft of snow right now haha....Any more advice would be MUCH appreciated...Thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
Ok...its been awhile...they're about 8" tall...5 sets of leaves on them...or 5 nodes...don't know how to explain it really...i got anew place for them...its in an old swamp bed...which i know will never fill back up again because its on my land and we blew out an old beaver dam and trapped all the beavers them gave 'em to the state to deal cause they are always flooding our road haha...little bastards can do more damage than one could think of...and there is still a creek that runs through the kiddle of this massive field (which is ABOUT 12 football fields long by 4 football fields wide) and its about a mile and a half hike that takes around 15 minutes to walk to (or 3 on 4-wheeler hehe)...the adjacent land to this is owned by the guy i'm going in on the grow no problems there...only 1 access road which is going thru my driveway then into our back noone could get any vehicles back into it...ill take pics as soon as i can...haven't been around lately...court and shit...can you believe i got $200 in fines just for uninspected motor vehicle and unlisenced operation...bullshit if ya ask me lol. Any questions/comments please feel free and ask/comment.


Well-Known Member
Here are my babies now....not quite babies anymore...but i still call em that...i weighted the one in the 2nd pics stems down with small weights so i can make it short and has about 20 tops on it...maybe more...all the others seem to be movin ryte along...tell me wutcha think..

