Keeping cactus healthy??


Active Member

I have a few cactus around the house, I have searched the web for info but i cant really find out what sort of soil is best for cactus? And what about the PH?

I would like to get me cactus' a bit bigger over this summer, can i use commen marijuana nutes?

Anyone know something about this?


Well-Known Member
i seen people growing regular cactus at home they never put nutes ,or care about ph, cactus grow slowly there a desert plant,which forces them to be rather slow at growing,for soil mix some pot soil with sand,water ph? no clue i would assume near 7 but don't take my word for it.For nutes don't give too much better be safe then sorry i believe phosphors is important but remember cactus have low standards ,just don't go above them or you'll kill them.