just started curing process. Any other methods that can make my buds STANK?


I understand curing, so please dont tell me to look it up on the forums
i just started drying my buds, i have the cheese strain
will let them dry out for about 5 days,or until the branches almost snap

******right now they are in a cool dry place on top of sheets of cardboard on the floor correct me if there is a better wayy*******

then place into glass jars for a few weeks, do the open n close routine etc etc

other than that, is there anything else to make my buds smell more potent, cuz it looks great, but doesnt smell STANK
and cheese has a distinct smell, but it doesnt really smell how its supposed to.......

anything i can add to the jars to make it smell better? any other tricks?


Well-Known Member
hey,, for my exp. its after the cure that it gets its smell. just remember to keep it in the dark. I had a batch of sunk1 that didnt smell for 2 weeks into cure!!when its broken and ground it realses its smell but it just smelt like sticky/hayie/grassy at first.
can i ask what type of cheese?
i have heard adding a slice of citrus fruit, like lemon, organge adds aroma to the smell and dosnt affect taste.
i think time will yeild a nice smell,,
take it easy..


Active Member
ignore jars, i've learned that jars don't work for certain strains. try drying your buds in turkey bags instead. let it breathe once a day, then tie it back up. after a week or so, the smell is dank