Just fucking help me.

I'm pissed, i lost a cloner full of about to root clones this afternoon and have have deficiencies that just showed up in 24 hours.

Heres the pics of the worst leaves. IMG_20100923_141003.jpgIMG_20100923_141034.jpgIMG_20100923_140954.jpgIMG_20100923_141009.jpgIMG_20100923_141022.jpg

My tap water is at 200-225 ppm, so i used flora micro Hard Water at 400 PPM, it raised to 420-430 so i added more tap water, it's stayed at a 6.2 Ph. Roots are doing phenomenal, over 3-4" total growth a day of nice white roots. They are in a DIY Aeroflo, water is touching the bottom 1/4" of the 4" pots.

I've been begging for a water test, however financially it isn't really possible, the last one done was in 99', however i've already grown very success crops twice with the same water.

Any kind of feedback, even sarcastic, even telling me to put arsenic in the water is greatly appreciated since I've never received help from any forum on any of my problems. Especially today because i've been doing this all afternoon:wall:



Well-Known Member
Looks like a lot, pics 1 &5 look like a CalMag issue, 2 looks like phosphorous def, and 3 looks like classic N def. My guess is your PH is way off. But Im still kind of a noob grower so get a second opinion.
From what i've read, if ppm goes up, lower ppm by 100, if it goes down 50 points, raise it 75. That was what Chimera posted at least. So is he wrong? should i raise nutes anyways?


Well-Known Member
I bought a home distiller that's electric. makes a gallon of water in four hours. My plants love it. bought it off amazon.

Okay well my hunch was right, I need the RO unit. Thanks for confirming. I actually use Olivias cloning gel, but i never saw any real results with it, but i saw huge results with SuperThrive.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the answers in here... overfeeding? What are you smoking and pass some this way please. It is clearly N and P deficiencies, your PH is on the high side, but in range for a hydro set up.

I'd foliar feed and double check my res ppms and ph.
I actually foliar sprayed right as signs popped up, Ph has stayed a CONSTANT 6.2 since moving from cloner.

Also with a RO system I'll need Cal-Mag to add on top of my base nutes, correct?


Well-Known Member
if its not a nute problem it may be your tubing. ive read a few posts on people using contaminated tubes.
it gave pretty much same symptoms of nute deficiencies buttt it wasnt. it was come off chemicals that werent cleaned in their tubing ended up yellowing most of the leaves and killing most plants.


Active Member
damn dude thats the probslems you get with hydro soil is more forgiving better taste if you ask me but hydro does have it advantages with fast production but if you mess up there goes your crop....
Yeah i would love to go to soil, my dad just kinda forces hydro because he denys all the problems and simple possibilities, even on this RO subject ><

The tubing... Most of it was bought in a hydro shop so i'm not sure


Well-Known Member
I get quality grows from dwc, they are a much simpler design. Loose the tubes, keep the bubbles!

(Deep water culture)



Well-Known Member
Mmm, organics. Hope your issues are solved soon - I can't help you out on hydro issues, just thought I'd pop by to kindly suggest you try not rudely demanding help when you need it badly. I'm kind of surprised your thread title fetched any help at all.
I actually got a DIY undercurrent DWC as my flower. And i got the answers i needed for once so im happy with my rudeness right now XD


Well-Known Member
I actually got a DIY undercurrent DWC as my flower. And i got the answers i needed for once so im happy with my rudeness right now XD
I actually read the title as a desperate cry for help, that's why I read with care and answered. It sounded desperate... :)

Also as clones transition to root intake, you'll have some yellowing of lower leaf tips but it should not be excessive. Once the roots take off, you should see an immediate improvement. Please keep us posted.