Joint, bong or pipe


Active Member
I've been rolling joints for 20years, never had a bong or a pipe. are the hits better with bongs and pipes versus a joint?


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for bong too.

Smoked too much of that hash and in a drug induced haze (the best kind) you knocked it over. Faxing new bong to fdd.


Well-Known Member
AY A"Y AY CARAMBA! DROOLING AT YOUR PICS fdd!! (or as borat would say : ''WAWAWIWA!'') best glass collection ive seen


Well-Known Member
i had the best pipe ever once, it was a steambubbler, a normal steamroller, but with a chamber under the bowl that held water, i only smoked kief out of that pipe till the day my cat knocked it off my shelf and it shattered on my pipe ever, never been that high or had as nice a hit since!!!


Well-Known Member
bong or bubbler for me. I love the water-cooled/filtered smoke, don't know what I'd do without it.


Active Member
100 per cent glass bong, i once had a 5 foot bong, professionally made and bought, but i gotta say 2 hits off this fucker and i was gone for at least 6 hours, with super silver haze back from amsterdam !!!