Is this a good setup for a closet?


Well-Known Member
It looks like a good basic design, but would require some alterations. The diagram doesn't address fresh air intake. You would probably want to consider a carbon scrubber or some method of odor control if you are concerned with stealth. You would probably want to have a way to adjust the light up and down. If cost is a consideration, that set-up is a bit pricey IMO; two HID lighting systems, two exhaust fans, two circulating fans, timers, ducting, building materials, etc. Haven't even started buying pots, growing media, fertilizers, thermometer, ph tester, etc.

Oh yeah, for 81 cubic feet of space you would probably want a more powerful exhaust to exchange the air.

But the basic set-up looks like a good place to start. Also, look under DIY at Mogie's SCROG Cabinet part 1, part2, part 3. Great info and will give you some more ideas.

Hope my thoughts have helped. I'm a complete noob myself, but have done a lot of reading.


Active Member
i have a 400w MH..wud that be a problem for such a small space? and where wud i get exhaust fans and a vent small enough to fit?