Is it worth it...yes or no


Active Member
Hey there,

Out of curiosity in 1 word (yes or no) I want to see what everybody thinks of the Aerogarden (this could be the pro or reg) growing 2 plants at a time.

Yes if you support it no if you dont support it.

-stay irie


Well-Known Member
No for growing our favorite herbage, so so for growing say, chives, clones, seedlings or small plants that doesn't have high light requirements.
The other issue is the bulbs, and they hide the wattage and bulb types very cleverly. They say the system uses less power than a 60watt light bulb. What they list about the bulbs is next to nothing.

The bulb type for the Aerogarden, they say the bulbs are "2 Sunlight Spectrum Grow Bulbs"

What they are in reality look like a couple FML-27watt 6500k bulbs for the 100 unit and three FML 27w bulbs for the 200 model (It's the same bulb as a full spectrum desk light sold at Walmart, Target etc..., the bulbs cost about $6, most vendors charge triple this cost for an Aerogarden replacement bulb. Not exactly sure what the other type of bulb they use for that junior model.

Whats really kooky is they list the 3 bulb Pro200 as double the light as the two bulb unit, how THREE FML 27watt bulbs can produce TWICE the light as two bulbs FML 27watt bulbs has me shaking my head. I even spoke to them and called them on this, I was told they measure in Photons. :wall: Gotta love marketing.....

I left it at that and moved on......