Is adding amendments really important?


Active Member
i was wondering if its better to plant a lot of plants in native soil and just add dolomite lime and ferts....or is it better to add some amendments(potting soil, compost,etc.) and only plant a few? in other words is it worth it to haul store bought soil all the way to the grow site, or just plant more plants?


Well-Known Member
Haul in soil and mulch and plant fewer.
This year i put out 50 or so clones in a mountain grow and did not amment the soil.
Though, they got regular water and organic nutrient teas, only about a third of them reached 4 feet tall. They should be trees, but many are not going yield an ounce. Anyway next year I will plant fewer in ammended soil and expect better results.


Well-Known Member
it also really helps to cultivate the soil and mix amendment down in.. makes room for roots to spread out..