Interrupting Light During Lights On Period.


Hi, I was wondering if turning off the 600 HPS during lights on would effect growth negatively, or as negatively, as during the dark period. Reason here is, it would be better stealth wise for me to just turn off the grow light and work on the plants with normal house lighting. Maybe up to 30 mins. I know not to do this during lights out.


Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Get a green spectrum light bulb, you can have that on during the dark periods and work on your plants during the dark periods, make sure the only light on is the green bulb.


Yes i plan on getting one of these green lights for dark period. What about lights on period.. will a little less light for a short time induce herms, flowering etc? I can do all the plant work during lights out but still need to know about lights on. Thanks again.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Sorry, forgot that part, stoned as fuck. and no I don't think it will hurt, as long a you don't over do it, for all they know it's a cloudy day :)