Increase EC levels before flushing?


Active Member
I was watching the Ultimate Grow DVD and Jorge mentioned that when you increase the EC levels of the plant
before flushing it the buds will get heavier.

Now could you just add hard water or tap water to raise the EC levels?

Does tap water have the right dissolved solids to do so?


Well-Known Member
I'm not totally convinced that Jorge is anything more than a writer who gathered info from various growers and published a book from it. I own his book, it helped a little when I first started growing but it didn't help as much as you'd think a 200+ page book about 'indoor growing' might help.

When he's talking about 'raising the EC', he means 'use more plant food'. For one, I don't think flushing is necessary if you fed the plant properly throughout its lifetime. Secondly, 'feeding more' towards the end of flowering is the opposite of what the plant wants. In your average 60 day strain, the plant feeds the most around the middle of flowering. From there you should taper down the feedings until harvest using the color and health of the leaves to determine what your plant wants to eat.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
tapwater wont raise EC unless its crazy hard...
Think about it. If your tap is about 0.2 EC and regular nute strength is 1.0+... adding tap will only dilute the concentration