I'm Back And Going Perpetual : )


Well-Known Member
Ok I know its been a long time since I posted, sorry guys for the absence, and the desertion of my last journal. The ak-47's that I had going are back on track and got about two weeks left under the hps and their scheduled to,be chopped. The first picture is my closet converted into my mother/clone area, I got the ak-47 clone that I monster cropped and turmed into my mother in their along with the dank bagseed that I had planted that dropped her panties two weeks ago so im keepimg jer as a mother Nd have two of the, vegging for a planned month in the other pictures, gotta plan to keep four in veg under 120 watts of cfls, and then keeping eight medium flowering plants in my tent under my 400 watter and so now I should be pulling a decent 1 1/2 foot plant every week, so hopefully going for an ounce a plant, praying lol.. Anyways the last pic,under the hps is the aks finishing...so here it is guys thanks for dropping by...ill be keepibg this updated weekly with pictures Nd progress... Enjoy

